Last seen: Nov 8, 2022
Im lovin CEE caps from omega sports
Ive used lopressor. im not 40 but it's a great drug when doing serious heavy lifting. Keep the blood pressure from going sky high and doing arterial d...
Overtrainign is possible. Eat more. Slow down your tempo and cut the number of reps and sets. Focus more on quality movement and not quantity. For a g...
I believe the CLA is extracted from the safflower oil. No I dont work for SAN....Just the best products ive used in quite some time and ive used just ...
CLA-Conjugated Linoleic Acid is a natural fatty acid found in beef, lamb, and cheese, especially from grass-fed animals. A potent antioxidant, immune ...
Get capsules from BAC along with the capsule filler. Thats what i use to take my powder CLA and arginine from them.
FUZU was awesome for me. Talk about getting horny! Im gonna try san endotest next.
I like tanning and B-5 along with pantethine.
Liove it also. I still add table sugar to mine.
All I need, gear or no gear is SAN INFUSION PROTIEN and SAN V-12. This covers protien, essential fats, creatine, NO (arginine), taurine, glutamine, pr...
if youre a sugar addict like myself than cutting carbs will wreak havoc on your mood and overall well being. In that case cut overall calories and mak...
lol all part of being a kid.....he'll grow out of it as most of us did......