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Hate being lied to!

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Damn! If there is one thing that I can't stand is when people tell me one thing and than do something else. Last night I stopped by my girls place to chill for awhile. I told her I would be right back cause I had to go drop some gear off at my buddies place. We made plans to just chill and watch a movie when I returned. SO I was gone for about one hour, I get back and my girl wasn't home. So I asked her roommate where she was. Her roommate said for me to call her cell phone. So.....I gave her celli a quick call to only hear that she was almost 30 minutes away at Olive Garden with a friend. SO she says. But come to find out she was with her other guy friends having dinner. She didn't give me any curtousy call or anything. Just straight bucked. I don't mind her chillin with her friends but she didn't call, lied about who she was with, and than when I finally got ahold of her later that night she said she was coming straight back after her dinner. She also said the place was busy and it would take awhile. WELL WELL of my good friends saw her at a bar shootin pool with this one dude. So I wait til she gets home and ask her what took so long. She responds.."the server was new and was really slow." I said "is that right" shes like "yeah"...and than I respond.." so how many games of pool did you play while suckin on your Bud light?" Than she just stared at me. The good 'ol deer in the head lights look. Tell me that ain't some bull shit. Thats strike numero one. But I hate being lied too! Ahhhhhhh! Damn.....fuck shit fuck shit fuck slut..........I feel better now. So that concludes my story. Thanks for reading. Any thoughts????

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I feel your pain to many times!

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Tell the truth now, You love her too much to say good by right! Come onnnnnnnn.;)

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Well....I really do care for her and that why I handled the situation somewhat calmly and nicely. But I made it a point to tell her why I was upset and why she needs to communicate better. But all in all, shes a nice person and I am willing to put up with a little bit of shit for all the great things she does for me. Yeah....she does lots of great things. Just don't like being lied to.

I know that all you bro's know where I am coming from cause I know you all have been through it too!

Love Peace and Hairgrease!

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😀 😀

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That is so RUDE!She shouldn't have made plans w/you if she wasn't going to be w/u!

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A HUGE BUMP for those responses!!!

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Either you can trust someone or you can not. If your gal is lying to you about silly shit like this and showing you that kind of disrespect, then you may want to consider your options.

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bump flex. my thoughts too. dont you dare let me catch you not telling me the truth. once is bad enough.....twice and its over.

maybe you and playmate outta hook up.....both of you want the truth it seems 😉 kidding, but you see my point.

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I would trust a murderer before I trusted a lier

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no shit, shes pullin' that on little stupid shit....whats next?? Could be time to shelve this one bro and find is too short and there are many a women out there that will treat you right!

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Your all right bro's! She said she had no problem telling me up front but she thought I would get mad. My response to that would be you should have just told me up front so I wouldn't get mad. I look at it this way. that was her one and only mistake, I won't put up with the BS anymore. Your all right, there are way way way way way to many options I know I can explore. But anyways, gotta run and do some work. Peace out my fellow freaks.

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bro I feel for ya! last year I was hit real hard with some info my friend told me, my girlfriend was fuckin one of my so called friends for like a month behind my fuckin back! that month she lied about every thing, this one night she tells me she going to see one of her friends and she really went to his house were that asshole made her a candle light fuckin dinner! and another time she said that her and her so called friend were ganna go to canada for the week end and left me with our 1 year old son , when she was in canada getin her brains fucked out, when I told her that I knew,she gave me the same look! I to hat liers,they suck!
ps. I did leave her ,and have custidy of my son,so in the end she got her's!
