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I'd be interested in anyones thoughts about the overall percentage increase
in Testosterone levels that a product like this will give you.

I read an article that all supplements of this nature deliver a 3% increase at best, if this is so, does it make these products nothing more than a poor performing and very expensive alternative to AAS?


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i have been interested in this product as well. any1 tried it?

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I doubt it's worth the money. JMO

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I have guys use it along with IGF1 for pct, just a double doses and it works very well. I have used it here and there during te thd 6 years its en sice I came off and it seems o fill out the balls a bit and vastly improve sex drive.

Now if you still think itw weak, check this out, I hav meber usd an aniliary dug and never had a problem, even well over 2 grams of testa nd a am of tren.... I was doing 1,800mg prop one autumn and got sick of all the pokes, so I cut it to 900mg/week, added double doses of Axist HT and. for the first and only time in my life got gyno, not to mention there was no intensity drop off.......enough said.
