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LG sciences

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Anyone ever use any of the products from LG sciences (Methyl 1-D, formadrol, etc) or are they just a load of junk.

Also what are your thoughts on using creatine (and also brands) just trying to gather some info on these so i dont waste i dont need to.

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Those all sound like pro-hormones to me. Pro-hormones = junk

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billy is right on the money.

Those are pro-hormones. LG Sciences has all sorts of pro-hormones such as the Methyl 1-D, Liquid Masterdrol, L-GH-1, and Formadrol Extreme. None of which are actually steroids, and all of which will do more harm than good.

Stay away.

As for the second part of your question, creatine is an awesome supplement---depending on the individual taking it. Not everyone responds well to Creatine. I happen to respond very well personally. I like the ProLab stuff, though it does give some water retention.

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I have taken several of their products with good results.
Their cold fusion, nitric oxide?creatine product is one of the best I've ever taken, good wicked pumps and good gains off it compared to other no2 products. I have also try the spray no2 infuse for localized pumps, i spray it on what ever muscle group I'm working and can definitely tell a difference especially in body parts that take me a while to warm up like knees when I'm working legs or shoulders. My veins pop out like crazy so it must help. I also tried the receptor cleaning product (can't remember the name) and felt like it helped my next cycle too. Took the same gear and got slightly better results. As far as the prohormones go they are better than the crappy old nor-ando stuff that companies first came out with that were mostly sides. Don't get me wrong, why take pro-hormones when you can have the real steroid. It will always be more efficient plus new laws regulate the doses they are allowed use in prohormone products. So while cutting edge prohormones are much better than the first ones introduced as far as potency and side effects they are not a replacement for real gear. In conlusion I think there supplements are pretty darn good. As far as any androgen products I wouldn't use them unless you're just trying to stay on the legal side of things.:)

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if you take creatine, avoid creatine monohydrate. it got me bloated and gave me headaches.

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Gotta agree with that, monohydrate is the worst version. I don't think lg sciences even carries the monohydrate version though. Mine is creatine ethyl ester!
