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What is this and does it work?


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A natural product called chitosan is derived from chitin, a polysaccharide found in the exo-skeleton of shellfish like shrimp or crabs. Chitosan is a naturally occurring substance that is chemically similar to the plant fiber called cellulose. Unlike plant fiber, however, chitosan is "magnetically" attracted to lipids and has the ability, acting like a "sponge", to significantly prevent fat in the digestive tract from being absorbed.

Chitosan is not digestible; therefore it has no caloric value. No matter how much chitosan you ingest, its calorie count remains at zero. This is a very important property for any weight-loss product. Unlike plant fibers, chitosan’s unique properties give it the ability to significantly bind fat, acting like a “fat sponge” in the digestive tract.

Chitosan affects fat in the stomach before it has a chance to become metabolized. It dissolves in the stomach and converts to a gel which "traps" fat, thereby preventing its absorption and subsequent storage. Chitosan renders the fat useless to the body. Technically, it creates a "grease ball" out of excess fat that is then too large to be absorbed. Both the chitosan and the fat are excreted in the stool.

Under optimal conditions, Chitosan can bind an average of 4 to 5 times its weight with all the lipid aggregates tested.

Besides absorbing fat to promote weight loss, chitosan also inhibits bad cholesterol and boosts good cholesterol. It also promotes healing of ulcers and lesions. Chitosan acts as an antacid. Chitosan helps to control high blood pressure. It may treat and prevent irritable bowel syndrome. Chitosan helps to prevent constipation. It is a calcium enhancer and bone strengthener. Chitosan also reduces blood levels of uric acid (which causes gout) and has been reported to have anti-tumor properties.

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damn sounds like a wonder drugs. how much does it help in reality though? anyone have good things to say that are using it naturally not on the sauce?

