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Here's my introduction...

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Ok, it is finally time I ask for some assistance. First, I am 6'2" @170lbs - don't laugh, been lifting for around 2 years - yeah I know, keep going..., primarily upper body (bench, incline bench, incline curls, etc..the basic free weight routines) I try to lift every evening to every other evening pending my schedule (minus weekends). My diet is not the greatest but gets me what I need (I believe) oatmeal, chicken, steaks, tuna - all the things you all have recomended - with walmart shakes, gets me around 300ish which I know isn't enough but is all I am capable of right now.
My goals is to gain mass, I am not in it for the show (not yet), but just want to intimidate. I would love to be 200+.
With little to no gains I am looking for better supplements to help, I have read several threads, on several brands but am extremely confused - which and where? And any other advice, critisism, critique or sarcasm.

Please help this ectomorph, I am tired of being a toothpick....

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First of all; I love your avatar.
Now lets get serious. You need to commit; to your work outs & to your nutrition. "every to every other day is not going to get you there. You need to plan out your split, work outs & diet then do it. No excuses, just do it. Why is 300 all you can do? How many quality carbs are you getting? How much fat? Detail your work outs for us to critique. If nessisary pick one from the training forum & for that matter pick a diet from the nutrition forum. Taylor them to your needs & your body. We are here to help, but you have to do the work.

Too Small
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I'll have to bump Storm..

Eat Eat Eat Eat Eat Eat Eat Eat Eat Eat Eat Eat Eat Eat Eat Eat Eat Eat Eat Eat Eat Eat Eat Eat Eat Eat Eat Eat Eat Eat Eat Eat Eat Eat Eat Eat Eat Eat Eat Eat Eat Eat Eat Eat Eat Eat Eat Eat Eat Eat Eat Eat Eat Eat Eat Eat Eat

Train Train Eat Train Train Eat Train Train Eat Train Train Eat Train Train Eat

Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep!!!


Now, these are the basics for gaining muscle and weight. You'll needs to consume around 3500-4000 CLEAN calories per day...more if you can.
Get yourself a clean diet in place and stick to it. Then, get your training schedule in check. You need to train at lease 4 days per week, at about 1 hour each training day.
Now, you will NEED to start training your LEGS!!! This is an absolute must to gaining weight, overall strength, and muscle.

Get as much of your Protein and Calories from FOOD. Remember, Protein shakes are a SUPPLEMENT. If you're getting 200 grams of Protein from food, get the extra 140 grams from your powder.

Try these kinds of supplements to start:

Whey Protein (taken throughout the day)
Casin Protein (taken at night before bed)
Creatine Monohydrate (it works as good as all the other Creatines, but costs less)
A GOOD Multi Vitamin/Mineral

These things will help get you started supplement wise. Get as much nutrition from real food..Chicken, Turkey, Tuna, Eggs, LEAN Meat, Oatmeal, Fruits, Nuts, Cottage Cheese, Yogart, ect...

In the mean time, post your current diet. What are you eating much and what times? We may be able to critique it to help you with what you have. The training the basic movements, then add some secondary movements as finishers.

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I knew you were going to say that...

My diet goes

up at 4:30 to get to work, quick break (sometimes) around 730, I used to drink a shake for this, now I eat some muffins or oatmeal. Lunch at 1030 at and I will eat anything from chicken, tuna, meatloaf, (depends on the previous nights supper) etc with greens and potatoes (varies by day of course). Then I get home anywhere from 4 to 630 (depending on the boss)and have supper with the family, again another good meal, chicken, ground steak, burgers. I will work out around 730 and drink another shake before bed. It largely depends on the work day. I have gotten most of the meal ideas from this site so I have been watching what I eat - makes my wife crazy!! HA!

The workout routine is strait forward, I sometime change it to break up the monotony.

Incline Bench - 6,6,6,3
Flat bench - 6,6,6,3
Skull crusher - 10, 10, 10
Dumbell kickbacks - 8,8,8

Dumbell side raises rotate to front - 8,8,8
Curls standing (with EZ bar)/ sitting (dumbell) - 6,6,6
Incline dumbell curls 6,6,6

I try to work out every evening to keep a routine, and to make up for the days I am forced to miss. I usually alternate days doing at least 3 sets per group, with the most weight I can lift with proper form (and safely). It isn't perfect, but in the 2 years I figured I would have seen some gains - or am I way off base.

Again I have focused on upper body, I would like to get more size before I go to legs for porportion sake.

Where would be a decent place to start with the supplements, I have looked at severl sites, and the selection is overwhelming.


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You're only eating 4 times a day? Is this correct? Your only working chest shoulders & tri's. What about back, bis & abs? Are your legs THAT much bigger than your upper body? I wouldn't expect anyone to gain much off that.

Read this

and this

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14 hours is a long work day: How much sleep are you getting?

Too Small
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..I would like to get more size before I go to legs for porportion sake.

Where would be a decent place to start with the supplements, I have looked at severl sites, and the selection is overwhelming.


Bro, legs are much harder to build than upper body. You need to start training them NOW!!!! Trust me.

As for supplements, if you have The Vitamin Shoppe by you, try them. They usually have great deals. And, they own brand is pretty day good.

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40-50 g.protein every meal.... 5-6 meals per day also increase ur calories a-l-o-t-!!!! also ur training sucks!!! train ur whole body(heavy+hard) in 3/4 days then a day off.....repeat...supplements- creatine m. 4 times per day or what da bottle reccomends- whey protein shakes-(2 cups milk, frozen berries, 1/2 banana 2 tbls. peanut butter)..glutamine 20g. @ bedtime and also right after trainin....sleep @ least 8 hrs. every night...adjust ur calories 2 ur workday 14 hrs. is probably burning lots of calories...make sure u eat every 3 hrs...make sure also that u load ur body with protein right after u workout..VERY IMPORTANT!!!!!don't wait longer than 1/2 hr. 2 do so.

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Allow me to clarify - I only work a 530 to 330 to 430 shift, the additional time is spent commuting and my kids an other activities (no food allowed) directly following work. I do not get to eat alot, that is where I believe the supplement will come in (I know they aren't as good as food, but until my work schedule slows...)
I wouldn't say my legs are that much bigger, but I did alot of running around a gym (around the court up the stairs, across, down the stairs, etc..), and developed them better than my upper body.
I get an average of 8 hours so I do not think that is a problem, although going to bed as early as the kids sucks!!
I have read that I am supposed to eat 5-6 times a day, but I wouldn't think my body would properly process the food if I at all the extra meals so close together at the end of the day?
I do work my bi's, that would be the curls. I do not work the back specifically, I do alot of heavy lifting where I work and do not wish to overwork that, the abs - I probably need to spend some more time on...oops.

I know what I am doing isn't right - it only took me 2 years to ask for help. I will adjust my routine with what you have directed me to Storm, but should I look for as a quaility supplement. Too Small you stated earlier about the sups, is there any brand better, all about the same, or try them all everyone reacts differently? I do not have a shop near by as I live in the boondocks, I check online and the selection was huge - care to help me select a good place to start? Getting the list you provided will be a little costly at first so I want to buy quality up front.

And juicy icp, that is what I am trying to accomplish, I find it impossible to eat at work other than my breaks. I will start with the after workout protien - as soon as I get some better stuff.

I am obviously need to start back at square one...

Thanks again for all you time and input, I appreciate it.

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Hey, your schedule sounds pretty packed but try to at least workout for an hour a day...

Usually most people lift 3 days, 4 days, and sometimes 5 days a week
Mon Wed Fri / Mon Tues--Thurs Fri / Mon-Fri

Right now I lift 4 days a week, I will do this for a couple of months and then maybe for a month or so lift 3 to allow my body a little rest.

If you can lift 4 days try this schedule and mix up the different exercies so your body doesnt get use to the same routine...

Monday: Chest, bi's, abs
Tuesday: Back, forearms, neck
Wednesday: Abs
Thursday: Shoulders, tri's
Friday: Legs, abs, bi's

I try to do chest and biceps twice a week, usually monday and friday...

**EATING will do wonders, everyone on here is correct when they say eat...try to pack little meals for in between work that are loaded with protein. I personally try to eat every 2 1/2 hours throughout the day

If you get protein take a scoop sometime in the morning and another sometime in the evening...hard boiled egg whites make for a great snack and are loaded with protein.

**SLEEP will also do wonders..this is when our body is recovering and building muscle...a good nights rest will maximize the potential for muscle growth

**RUNNING Some people may disagree with me but I am telling you from experience NOT to run. Running will tire you out and burn calories that will take away from your gains..I havent ran in months and I'm cut up and the most defined I ever was (not to sound cocky)...

REMEMBER: As long as you eat healthy and dont cheat yourself (lifting and dieting) your body will transform...dieting is extremely important as well as sleep and working out faithfully. Try keeping a log on your exercises and the weight you do and then look back a month later an see the gains....the work you put in will show me...

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Pack a cooler. Eat before you go into work, on every break & as soon as you leave work. In the parking lot. The only supplement that could possibly take the place of food is a protien shake. In most cases, if you can down a shake, you could eat real food. 2-3 shakes a day is O.K. I get my supps from
Figure out how many calories your getting now & increase by about 10%. If you don't start growing increase more.

Your body adapts to any activity in 6-8 weeks - That means your job. WORK YOUR LEGS. WORK YOUR BACK.

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good advice storm....bring a cooler with u everywhere!!! get a thermos...put a protein shake in it (use the above shake ingredients from my previous post)and a couple of meals packed in tupperwear ( 2 chicken breasts,rice+beans,grilled veggies or salad)(just 1 example) The creatine + glutamine is what i reccomend but everybody is different...b warned don't get sucked in to take this, take that...i would never down anyones advice but supplement wise take only a couple of things and eat,eat, eat, I think branch chain amino's r a waste of money especially if ur 6' and weigh 170,a few protein shakes will give u plenty of aminos,all u should take is a good protein powder and maybe creatine...other than that spend ur money on food.

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Ok, sounds like I am a newbie again. I will work on the meals, the boiled eggs might work (being a snack I do not need a break for). I will figure out a new routine this weekend - more structured, and include legs and back and abs.
What would be a good brand of supplements to get. I know the vary in quality, any suggestions for the list: Whey Protein, Casin Protein, Creatine Monohydrate, Glutamine, BCAA's, A GOOD Multi Vitamin/Mineral.

And now a silly question, how long of a break should you take between reps, naturally the longer the break the better the lift and form, but the shorter, is more sloppy and might not finish the set? Same with the break between sets...

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Don't get too technical with this. Break long enough to be able to complete your next set or until your head stops spinning. If you don't get caught up in chit chat you should be able to gauge just fine.

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I agree, a lot of people say 30 seconds..1 minute etc. but everybody is different. Do heavy weight with the right form and then take a little break, enough so that you can come back and do it again correctly for as many sets as you do. I notice for chest i take a 3 or so minute break possibly even longer because i burn out rather take a nice long break and give it all i have the next set rather than rush, get sloppy and possibly injure myself....

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