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This is what works for me !!!

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my whole philosophy on working out is what works for you.
now we are all entitled to our own opinions of how to get big, how to get ripped, how to get stronger,,,,,,well here is what i do
i do for example Bench press 5 set till failure,,, try to mabye bang out one rep at max weight,,,, from this poing on i drop 20 pounds (thats right drop set) till the point i cant do anymore but 100 pounds,,,, then i rest go back to the max weight but 20 pounds less,,,, then drop again.....
i do this procedure for all exercises....
,,, this is what works for me,,, my gains have doubled and feel stronger every workout.

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That is the key.. find what works for you.. it is different for everyone.. just because G. Halbert benched 733 pounds on this system, does not mean you will too.. It takes ALOT of trial and error and hard work.. but keep experimenting to you find it.. You will be happy you did.......

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thanx for the positive feedback lionman
