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So what are some of the cycles you ladies are currently on? or have recently done?

Currently I'm cleaning out my system....after doing Anavar/winstrol/t3/clen/novladex/proviron


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I helped a girlfriend run 10mg winstrol ED for 5 weeks ... strength gains were excellent and her overall feeling was of well being ... about 2 weeks post cycle when the water was all off she showed good improvement ... next cycle for her will be primo/anavar


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I really wouldn't advise you haveing her stack things she's not used yet on their own...if she has any adverse sides then how will she know which is causing it?

I am currently doing BL's EQ@ 50mg w/
10mg anavar
25mcg's t3
25mg provirion

aside from not sleeping (which I don't think is cycle related) and the night sweats I'm feeling great



Chest Rockwell
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Go ahead, Cutie. I didn't know you were so hardcore. How many cycles have you done total?

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Big bump on the Puddle of Mudd Cutie.........although I think "She fucking hates me" better suits my current situation.
Having said that I had my girl running a light cycle FYI (she'd never done anything prior to this cycle)
I had her run:
5mg/day anavar weeks 1-5
5mg/day winny weeks 5-8
I personally thought she made an outstanding improvement. Ofcoarse she increased her intensity, but I couldn't believe how vascular she got. Needless to say I was a little jelous. Hence why I'm now cycling winny/tren. A little friendly competition never hurt no body:lol :lol :lol

Darling Nikki
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So you did up to 25 mg of winstrol? How was that? My lord I did 10mg ed and people warned me on that. So what happened? Do you talk like Tone Loc now or what? I don't know very many women at all that do this shit....or I do and no one admits it. Have you sampled any test? It's Ethinate, or Siponate...obviously it's my husband's or I would know a little more about it. 🙂 What have you heard about that for females?

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blondie's done well with her cycle wk 1-6 12.5mg winny eod or every 3rd day.. week 4-12 50mg deca/wk wk 13-16 50mg deca every 10th day.. this and her change to a man's workout have really made a big difference.. guys at the gym are telling her how diesel she's getting.. only problem is she's going to need a new wardrobe.. even my 21 yo daughters clothes are getting big on her.. 🙂

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Originally posted by Darling Nikki
So you did up to 25 mg of winstrol? How was that? My lord I did 10mg ed and people warned me on that. So what happened? Do you talk like Tone Loc now or what? I don't know very many women at all that do this shit....or I do and no one admits it. Have you sampled any test? It's Ethinate, or Siponate...obviously it's my husband's or I would know a little more about it. 🙂 What have you heard about that for females?

no actually I'm told I have a very ummm sexy voice LOL you can ask around...couple of these guys have spoken to me on the phone...or in person....*smile* everything will affect each individual differently what can work for one person may not for another....yes Winstrol can producs adverse side effects that you don't want.....and No my voice has not changed LOL

I guess I need to post an update on this, I had a bad reaction after 2 injections w/ the had to stop my cyle.....after having to go to the doctor's every day for antibiotics by IV, and li ving on benedryl for a couple of weeks....things finally got better.....

of course my doctor thinks I'm totally nuts LOL well...I restarted my cycle w/ 50mg of prop and 50mg of eq.....we were very worried about another reaction from the EQ, or even from the BA in the o ils...but everything has been going fine now....

after 2 weeks I bumped up the eq and am currently running 100mg eq w/ 50mg prop (injecting every 3rd day) up to 50mcg's of t3

my doctor was also upset over my cholestrol levels shooting up to 270, so I went off the Keto/ckd diet and went up 10 lbs in the first 3 weeks of my appetite i will admit has increased..which is good since I normally don't eat enough to begin with.....

but Monday will be starting an 8 week program to finish out my cycle w/ protien, green veggies, no starches, and carbs only after workout....

My strength is great, squatting 245 last weekend and I've been getting some strange looks in the gym recently LOL

Ironman, I'm really happy to hear that Blondy's cycle is going great for her....that's wonderful! I think it did the both of you a world of good *wink*

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Originally posted by Darling Nikki
So you did up to 25 mg of winstrol? How was that? My lord I did 10mg ed and people warned me on that. So what happened? Do you talk like Tone Loc now or what? I don't know very many women at all that do this shit....or I do and no one admits it. Have you sampled any test? It's Ethinate, or Siponate...obviously it's my husband's or I would know a little more about it. 🙂 What have you heard about that for females?

LOL What do you want to know? All of the (succesfull) female bodybuilders I know have used test. Test propinate mostly or suspension. I use test propinate. The propinate ester is very fast acting and leaves the system w/in 2 to 3 days and is best administered every day. I use 15mg (third line of a cc on a syringe) everyday. I think that the test prop is the safest and most effective the suspention is even faster acting. I go 6 weeks on 3 off usually in the offseason (which is the only time I use it) I get no increase in appetite from test (only EQ). It definatley causes some water retention. I couple it w/ either Nandrolene phenyol propinate, deca, EQ, dbol ORwinny. I keep the doses lower than usual on these while I'm on test and I keep the aldactone on hand just incase the sides get out of hand.

Darling Nikki
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Well thanks girls for the advice..

I guess I will go ahead and try it. I have been anxious to start another cycle of something I just wasn't sure what. Would you suggest I try the 15 mlg. every day or every other's obvious I am not as advanced as you both. squatting over 200 lbs is a far off dream for me right now.. LOL

And I am a little un clear about the abbreviations of some of the "prop" and "Eq". Sound good but I'm not sure what it is.

I appreciate all the help.
Glad you are feeling better Cutie!! Good for you to keep on with are a true freak! LOL

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No problem prop is only the name of an ester actually. What you are asking about it testosterone propinate (there are several esters attached to test). This is best for you. 15mg ed at first...see how you do if you need to drop down to every other day do so then. It's the length of time your on more than the dose that will make your side effects remain.
EQ= equipoise. Any other ??'s feel free. Oh and by the way. What is your goal? To shape your body or become a power lifter? I have no idea what my max is on squat, bench, deads or anything for that matter. Even though your muscles my be able to handle moving the weight doesn't mean that your joints can take the added pressure...this is where everybody fucks up and ends up injured and out completely. Now that you are on gear your recovery will multiply tremendously. You can go ahead and do higher volume sets and still grow. How much you grow is determined on your diet. Don't try the heavy stuff especially if it compromises your form (by the way...the people that say they lift incredible amounts of weight never mention whether or not they used full range of motion..ever notice that?)

Darling Nikki
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Ok things are making sense for me now! LOL

What about T3? Or Bleq? I have no idea what these are either.... thanks for the translations. 🙂
My goal is to tone up and loose body fat. The weigth I'm lifting isn't as important, as how much my ass jiggles! LOL
Is there a lot of water retention? Would it be better to take a different cycle during the summer....or will not make a difference? I do have a cycle of winnie also, I was thinking of taking that after. Do you suggest maybe stacking the test with anything or should I keep it mellow?

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Now you are gonna get me fired up. LOL T3 is in my very own little encyclopedia of drugs defined as "the LAZY person's drug". ONLY if you are using growth will I recomend you using this product at less than minimal dosages.
Black Label EQ is GREAT (that's what I'm using now)
Water retention...yes you probably will boat a bit but there are things you can do: drink tons of water (putting the water in pulls it out), keep up your cardio and pay close attention to your sodium intake.

Darling Nikki
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Ok I did it. I took the shot of Test. It was the first time I ever cheeks a little sore. But it was kinda exciting!! HAHA! Then I went to work out and it was hard walking because my ass was rock hard! LOL!
So I will do the 15 mg. every 3rd day. Does that sound too weak? My husbands a little hesitant about the every other day. So we compromised.
Now we will see what happens......wish me luck! :p

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Have any of you ladies thought about using androderm patches? they are available in 2.5 & 5mg versions.. because the patch releases the hormone througout the day less hormone is excreted in the urine so a 5mg patch each day is equal to about 200mg test/enath every 2 weeks.. I would think the 2.5 mg patch ed would do the trick.. there are a couple of pdf files that discuss the advantages of the patch vs injections..

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