help my wife please
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help my wife please

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My wife is having a problem losing any weight(fat loss)
currently she has a good work out routine
she is doing 3 days of weights full body workout around 11am
the other 2 days a week she does 30 min of cardio for her mid morning workout
after work at 5 pm she does 30 min of cardio 5 times a week
her diet is good here is a sample day
5:30 awake
5:45 small cup of coffe w splenda and non dairy creamer
6 am myoplex light
8:30 3 egg whites 1 egg yolk 1 pc dry wheat toast
noon healthy choice meal
3 pm zone bar
6 pm 4 oz chicken breast grilled and salad w tomatoes and cucumbers fat free dressing(used sparingly)
9 pm 1 scoop optimum nutrition 100%whey and 8 oz skim milk
10 pm goes to bed
trimspa is the only supps
she is on the pill and does take prozac @ 30mg a day??? i think thats the dosage
she has been at this for a month now and it not seeing any noticable results
do you think its time to visit the doc to look and see if there isnlt something else wrong??????

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I like what I see here for both her diet and her workout program. Yes there are some things I'd be tempted to modify but honestly you know here better than I do so it really could be perfect already.

I will tell you this though...When I've worked with women who need to lose weight, not those who are only trying to lose less then 15 lbs, they almost NEVER see results the first month. Then at the end of the second month, start of the third month, the weight just seems to drop off. But they need to make it to that two month period.

How long has she been on this serious program?

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unfortunately, anti-depression meds such as Prozac will cause your metabolism to slow down. and (unfortunately again) the BCP causes many women to gain weight. some synthetic hormones really suck.

i would like to see a macronutrient breakdown of her daily food intake, as from what i can tell, she is getting too many carbs and not enough protein/fats (good fats)

if she is still getting her peroid regularly, primrose oil is a good way to go. it helps balance women's hormones, as well as assist with weight loss.

the way i see it, she already has 2 strikes against her;

maybe you should look for an alternative birth control method, OR, (and this is only if her GP says it's okay) look for a more "natural" way to control her depression. there are many herbs out there that can help. prozac is a nasty drug and, IMO, should be just taken off the shelves.

dairy products are NOT a good idea when dieting as well....taking a calcium/magnesium supplement (make sure there is vitamin "D" in it to ensure absorbtion) is a much better way to go. diary, whether it be skim, fat free, whatever, WILL cause weight gain. i steer clear of it (even on my junk days) when dieting. which brings up another subject. are you cycling her carbs? or giving her a junk day? this is nessicary as the body "adapts" to dieting, VERY fast, just as it adjust to cardio.

what i would like to see;
~her macronutrient breakdown (how many carbs, protein, fats she gets in a day)
~what her workouts consists of
~what her cardio consists of


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As far as her drug therapy is concerned, I would only be concerned with switching to a "low-dose" BC. If she's already on a low-dose pill, then that's about the best you can do. There are a few different types of low-dose pills, Ortho-Tri-Cyclen is the most popular.

I don't really see where Prozac would depress overall metabolism. It may have effects on CYP450 metabolism, but this is negligible as far as weight gain is concerned. In fact, Prozac users lean way more towards loss of appetite, weight loss, and anorexia than weight gain. I'm not a huge fan of SSRIs, but the herbal alternative, St. John's Wort, also has it's fair share of adverse effects and complications.

One month on Prozac is simply not enough to see noticeable results. Wait until she's been on it for 2-3 months. Her dose is adequate.

As far as asking the physician if anything else is wrong, you could ask for a thyroid panel. Although, I would assume she's already had this done if she has presented to her physician with weight gain.

T-Bar is right though, it can take a while to see results, especially in women.

M $

i have to disagree. prozac DOES cause your metabolism to slow down. as does anti-anxiety meds. when your mind is in a more "relaxed" state, your "body" will become more relaxed as well, therefore, slowing one's metabolism down.

if you could show me some medical proof that i am wrong i would love to see it. but, i myself know MANY women that take anti-depression medications and are very obese.

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please take note of the metabolic discussion where it states it causes weight gain. it also states in this article it is used to help CURE bolemia (sp?)

im kinda rushed, but i did find this article interesting.

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QueenofDamned, I didn't mean to start an argument with you. I don't really care to argue the point. I was merely stating my opinion as a health care professional.

Also, I'm lazy, and must conserve my energy for porn-hunting.

M $

Lmao, an honest man, doing honest work.

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QueenofDamned, I didn't mean to start an argument with you. I don't really care to argue the point. I was merely stating my opinion as a health care professional.

Also, I'm lazy, and must conserve my energy for porn-hunting.

M $

youre a good man, way to take one for the team! 😀

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her work out is approx 45 min long
monday 11am cardio 30minutes 5 pm 30 minutes cardio
tuesday 11 am lower body 5 pm 30 min cardio
wed same as mon
thur 11 am upper body 5pm cardio
fri same as mon tue
cardio she mixes it up
on her double days she does two different things like elliptical am and bike pm
her cardio w/o are usually like a 5 min warm up and then she tries to do a 1 min run/1min walk HIT type thing for 25 and a 5 min cool down
her upper body w/o is 12reps 2 set supersets in groups of two
so its like
cable flys and benchpress rest repeat.
cable flys, bench press, rhomboid pulls,front raises bicep curls, angled curls, lat pull down
low roe rows, tricep pushdows
overhead rope pulls(triceps)
lower body, same set rep as upper body
rev lunges, smith squats, ball pelvic raises, ham curl on the ball
