Hey Chicks! And hel...
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Hey Chicks! And help!

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Hey, I'm a newbie tryin' to get my oldie shape back, if ya know what I mean. Body fat just doesnt' seem to come off as quickly as it used to. Does it really havta be that complicated or is it just as simple as counting calories, and burning fat? I mean when I (average woman) reads these fitness mags. it sounds like you have to be a border line rocket scientist just to figure out how to get yourself into shape. Its very intimidating and a little discouraging at times. You think your doing all the right things then ya find out something else. Like I said, is it truely that complicated for a woman all of 30yrs. old to get into good "beach" shape? NOT competition shape, maybe someday, but I wouldn't even know where to begin with that. Any advice anyone can give is greatly appreciated. Looking forward to hearing from y' all!

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Is it hard or impossible? Nope. I took a 43 year old woman from a size 18 to a size 6 in just three months. We only worked out 4 days a week. No starving. No drugs.

You can do this. If you want help the guys here would be happy to provide it. You'll need to give us your stats and provide current (meaning from this week) pictures.

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Welcome. As far as losing weight once you have a good diet there no counting calories. It's all a matter of breaking your current eatting habits and starting new ones. What your current diet like?

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as Doug mentioned, it would be best for you to post your average food intake for a given day, also your height and weight.

welcome to AZ:) there is lots of great information here.


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Hey, thanks for all the feedback! Um, I'm pretty sure that after seeing some of the pics posted on this site that I will NOT be posting ANY of mine ANY time soon! Don't wanna die of embarassment! Anyway, I am 5'1", 112 lbs., approx. 22% body fat. Basically my diet consists of on average:
900 calories
80g protein
90g carbs
17g fat
15g fiber
I do either intervals, power walking, or full incline on treadmill at a fat burning level about 5 days a week. And work out with light 5-10lb. weights 3 days a week. I do all that @ home, but am joining a gym today/tomorrow, because I feel I can't get what I want from my home gym. OK, so looks like you guys should put on your thinkin' caps now, n tell me what the hell to do before I purchase my 1st new bikini of the season! Thanks!

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Hey, thanks for all the feedback! Um, I'm pretty sure that after seeing some of the pics posted on this site that I will NOT be posting ANY of mine ANY time soon! Don't wanna die of embarassment! Anyway, I am 5'1", 112 lbs., approx. 22% body fat. Basically my diet consists of on average:
900 calories
80g protein
90g carbs
17g fat
15g fiber
I do either intervals, power walking, or full incline on treadmill at a fat burning level about 5 days a week. And work out with light 5-10lb. weights 3 days a week. I do all that @ home, but am joining a gym today/tomorrow, because I feel I can't get what I want from my home gym. OK, so looks like you guys should put on your thinkin' caps now, n tell me what the hell to do before I purchase my 1st new bikini of the season! Thanks!

youre 5'1 and 112lbs and you want to lose weight??????? um...no. you need to build a bit of muscle which would require you to "tweak" that diet.

200gms of protein = 800 calories
(in and around) three tablespoons of flax a day = 42gms of fat = 378 calories
complexed carbs post workout, around 30-40gms

junk day, once a week.

training one body part per day @ a 5 day split would work good, i really don't think you need cardio, nor do i believe (at your size) you are 22%bf (let me guess, callipurs right?)

if you build a little muscle you may gain a few lbs, but in the end you are going to look much better...

good luck to you...

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Wow! You are awesome! I love when people just say it like it is n don't waste my F@#$in' time! Unfortunately, you are too few and far between! Thank you so much for the info.! I have never been told any of that before if you can believe it. And I am no stranger to the gym either, 'cept the past few months. I've spoken to alotta people who think they know what the hell they're talkin' about, but apparently there's just been alotta talkin'. I really appreciate your help. I will keep you posted on how its goin. Letcha know if YOU know what your talkin' 'bout! Nah, I'm just playin'. I've got total confidence in ya. Know why? Cauz I've BEEN doin' what everyone else told me what ta do and its gettin' me NOWHERE real fast! Refreshing to hear something totally different for once.
Seriously, thanks!

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here's a good split for you to train with. use moderate weights and do high reps, you will not become huge, i promise, it will promote fat loss and allow you to put on a bit of muscle, which in turn "tightens" up your body;)

Monday: Legs
4 sets hamstring curls 10-15 reps
4 sets leg extension 10-15 reps
4 sets of squats (do them in the smith if you like or use the cage) 8-10 reps
10 minutes of the "stepper" this will train your calves enough, trust me;) and you will get your cardio.

Tuesday: Shoulders/Abs
4 sets reverse p7Lab deck 10-15 reps
4 sets side laterals 10-15 reps
4 sets military press (machine, olympic bar, dumbells, your choice) 8-10 reps

Abs~5 X 20 bicycle crunches
5 X 20 "rope" crunches with resistance
10 minutes cardio on the stepper again.

Wednesday: Back/Hamstrings
4 sets of straight arm pull downs 10-15 reps
4 sets of wide grip pull downs 10-15 reps
4 sets cable rows 10-15 reps
4 sets straight legged deadlifts (for hamstrings) 8-10 reps
4 sets hamstring curls to failure

no cardio back day, you will be spent;)

Thursday: Arms
bicep curls 4 sets 10-15
tricep pressdowns 4 sets 10-15

cable curls 4 sets 10-15
tricep extensions (your choice, many different styles) 4 sets 10-15

hammer curls 4 sets 10-15
reverse grip pressdowns 4 sets 10-15

cardio for 10 minutes on stepper

Friday: Chest
p7Lab deck 4 sets 10-15
incline bench (with dumbells or olympic bar, your choice) 4 sets 8-10
flies 4 sets 10-15 reps

i think ive covered everything, im dieting for a show right now so if you see any mistakes, or have questions let me know.

this is an easy beginner workout, i know some will disagree, but work into it slowly....use moderate weights, something you are comfortable with....give it a try:)

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Thanks QOD, sounds like a nice routine. I will def. be tryin' it out! I can't wait!

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I agree....you should be eating a lot more good quality calories. You def need more protein and fat. THe more muscle you build the more calories you need to fuel those muscles. So eat up, just keep it clean so you don't put on more bodyfat.

Good luck!

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heres a new view from a fellow guy. most guys dont enjoy seeing skinny women, maybe some but the majority like fit women. at 5,1 and 112lbs adding some musle would definately help with definition and youd be looking pretty good. god almighty a tight torso combined with some sculpted legs drive me nuts especially in a piar of tight jeans, shit im going off track lol. anyways thats just my point of view so dont try to lean out, and dont be embarassed to post pics, if anything it would help and than when you make some big leaps of progress its almost like braggin rights! lol stay focused and train steady. Im out, good luck.


i couldn't have said that better myself. fit women with big quads...mmmm....yes. :dlick

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Hey, thanks for the feedback everyone. Startin' tomorrow with the new routine. I'll keep ya posted on how its goin.

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I just did Wed workout~I really need to just listen to QOD. 🙂 I did cardio just because I have more BF to get rid of and by the end I was about freakin dying! I haven't ever done the straight arm pull downs~those suckers are awesome!

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I just did Wed workout~I really need to just listen to QOD. 🙂 I did cardio just because I have more BF to get rid of and by the end I was about freakin dying! I haven't ever done the straight arm pull downs~those suckers are awesome!

glad you like them:) that's one of my favorite movements for back, great for isolating the lats;)
