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I need options ladies!!!!!

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Here is my story. My wife is healthy. Not to the point of making me think bad, because I do actually like thick women. Well, she wants to lose weight. I am behind her 100%, feeding her with the knowledge I know. I have purchased an Elliptical Trainer and she has going on it for 45min ED. Well, she 1st got on the Atkins kick, because..... well, I have no idea. She finally realized it ain't all that great. Now she is on this Dr. Phil diet type thing. I agree with it more than I did with the Atkins. My problem is, she thinks that the fewer cals you eat, the more you will lose. From all the info that I read on here, SE, and in magazines, it has to do with carbs and bad fats. Am I right about that? I don't believe she will end up a 120lb woman, because she is naturally thick(structure) when we met, she was 150 or so, but looked healthy(good healthy, not fat). I helped her come up with a goal of somewhat about 75 lbs, give or take a few. I am at a loss as to what else I can tell her about dieting. What do you ladies suggest I buy her to read, is there anything? If you need any other type of info, I can give it to you.
One last thing, when she does her cardio, she wears shorts and a tank top, I suggested to her to wear some sweats and a sweatshirt, obviously so she will swear more. Isn't being fully clothed more beneficial, as long as she sips water throughout the exercise?

Thanks for your time, sorry for such a long post.

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I know you directed your question at the ladies but, I think we can all contribute with this one.

As for the sweater and sweating, the reason people do it is for quicker blood circulation which reduces injury and reduces lactic acid build-up during exercise. Unless you're a fighter or athlete, I don't think it's necessary that she wears one. I think she should go in there with what she feels confortable and helps her achieve her goal.

Nutrition wise, there's so many diets out there (most being bad). Losing weight is not all that hard. It's simply watching your calories. All exess energy (being calories) gets stored as fat. Yes, carbs are the enemy if consumed without limitation, same goes with protein. Just research low caloric health foods, and keep her in a 60:20:20 caloric ratio (protein:carbs:fat). Supplements won't hurt also. Slim-fast or even a regular shake would be great to include in a diet. Make sure her multi-vitamins, increased H20 consumption, EFA's, and fruits & veggies are included and in-check. I'm sure more AZ will add to this.

Good luck.

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I agree with Johnnyb. There's no reason to suffer during the cardio. Let her go back to her shorts and a T-shirt. Besides, according to Arnold you want to be able to see the areas that need work. That way you'll keep working hard to fix them.

Back when I owned health clubs I used to have female my clients eat a good safe diet. The diet is important, but it isn't magic. Consistency in your exercise program combined with consistency in your diet is what causes the "Magic".

A NORMAL PERSON DIET: (Not a bodybuilder or model, just a normal working female trying to lose weight)

small Egg Beater & veggie omelet
Cereal (Special K or something similar)

Lunch; (You must always make your lunch a head of time or this is where the normal person will blow it by eating out or grabbing something quick)

Lean meat & veggies
Small amount of rice or half a baked potato
Any Lean Cuzine meal
or (and I like this the best)
A Slim Fast

Chicken Breast, or lean beef, or lean pork, or fish. (The size of a deck of cards)
Broccoli & cauliflower mixed, or green beans
A nice Salad with a small amount of vinaigrette dressing. Salad may include egg whites but not the yoke, tomatoes, green and red peppers, mushrooms, a few olives.

Snacks (I'm not big into snacks because I've seen it causes your body to continue it's cravings much longer. but if you must...)
Carrot sticks, raw cauliflower, sugar free Popsicles

In my opinion the only reason Weight Watchers is successful is because of the amount of water they have their people drinking. When dieting you should be constantly drinking water. That bottle should always be with you.

Carbs; Totally get rid of bread and pasta in your diet.

Wine: This is a massive down fall of many woman. "I only drink one small glass at night" Well you may as well suck down a candy bar baby. If she must drink something to relax her than she better switch it to Sleepy Time Natural Herb Tea.

I found that the people who had the best results were the woman who did their cardio first thing in the morning, before breakfast.

One final tip. This is dangerous ground for a husband. If you push her, or constantly make corrections or suggestions to her you may create resentment you will never be able to fix. All you can do is support her.

Steel Reserves
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Great info from both the bro's. All I'll add in here is to tell your girl not to eat ANYTHING after 7pm. Have dinner around 6, 6:30 latest and that's it. Depending what time she goes to bed this can be difficult, but not impossible to do; and I think it's one of the most important parts of dieting.


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Originally posted by Steel Reserves
Great info from both the bro's. All I'll add in here is to tell your girl not to eat ANYTHING after 7pm. Have dinner around 6, 6:30 latest and that's it. Depending what time she goes to bed this can be difficult, but not impossible to do; and I think it's one of the most important parts of dieting.


That's the biggest myth in dieting. Girls always complain at night by saying "I'm so hunnngry" when you ask why don't they eat, they reply, "I heard it makes you fat". I say, don't worry about meals at night, just keep it to a limitation. Remember about excess calories, and aviod carbohydrates in the last meal, as it will only cause her to have water retention and starve when she wakes up.

Steel Reserves
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Originally posted by johnnyb
That's the biggest myth in dieting. Girls always complain at night by saying "I'm so hunnngry" when you ask why don't they eat, they reply, "I heard it makes you fat". I say, don't worry about meals at night, just keep it to a limitation. Remember about excess calories, and aviod carbohydrates in the last meal, as it will only cause her to have water retention and starve when she wakes up.

I agree with you on that...to a point. I believe if a person's goal is totally focusing on weight loss, then eating after 7 is a no no. Just due to the fact people are typically a hell of alot less active during these hours. Obviously your right, if one's hungry at these hours there are foods out there you can munch on. You just gotta use your head. A can of tuna and a diet soda is alway's a great late night snack for me when dieting. In my original post I meant more for someone to stay away from eating a couple slices of pizza or a bag of chips that late at night. Or even what would be considered a sensible dinner should not be eaten at 9pm, a half hour before bed. Know what I mean.


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I think it's a safe bet to eat every 3-4 hours for women. If you deprive the body of food for a period of time, the body will go through catabolism. When it has no energy resource from food, it will start using up muscle and fat as its resource. Also, it will slow down the metabolism. Once you slow it down and eat again, you know the result. funny:

Whatever though, I think huskerfoos gets the point.

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It simply isn't practical for a normal person to be expected to eat every three hours. Not to mention that doing so causes several other factors to enter in.

A woman can easily see quality results be eating three good clean meals a day. She will not lose muscle by doing this. Granted an athlete is a totally different story, but we're not talking about athletes or muscle woman. At least I wasn't.

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You're right. Although, a lot of factors have to be considered. Activity level, amount of rest, even genetics.
