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my first time

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I am a female, 5"6" at 154lbs. I will soon be trying Winnie for the first time. I want to taper it up and down. What would be a good peak dose? What fraction of a normal dose for a male should I use?

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I am a female, 5"6" at 154lbs. I will soon be trying winnie for the first time. I want to taper it up and down. What would be a good peak dose? What fraction of a normal dose for a male should I use?

start small, 5mgs a day, you can always go up in your dose if you feel you need to. make sure ANY dose you take is broken up into 2 doses throughout the day (eg~2.5mgs in the am, 2.5mgs in the pm)

im not sure how long you are runnining it for, but make sure you give yourself 2 weeks to taper. week one drop your daily dose in half. week two, half it again....that should be fine.

