my philosophy on wo...
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my philosophy on women and AAS

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okay ladies, here opinions on woman and AAS use, pro's and con's.

Pro's are; increased muscle mass, sexual desire, energy, decrease in bf percentage, increase in strength. hair, skin and nails grow faster, better moods, no ups and downs pertaining to PMS.

Con's are; possible side effects (aggresiveness, acne, water retension, enlarged clitoris).
primarily, what im trying to stress here are the cons are dose related, when you first started lifting weights, did you start off heavy? no....same reasoning is behind AAS use, start with small doses, work your way up, this way, if sides start to appear, you can get yourself off ASAP.

Esters: (injectables)

Slow release; slow release esters (decanoate, undecylenate, isocaprote).....slow release esters decrease the chances of spikes in your hormones levels thus, decreasing the chances of sides, but, if sides do appear, it takes longer for the AAS to get out of your system.

Fast release; fast release esters (propinate, suspension) plus to using a fast release ester is if you do experience side effects, the AAS can get out of your system faster, alot faster. on the downside, getting AAS into your system this fast does spike your hormone levels fast, therefore leading (in some cases) to sides.

Oral use; the reasoning for not staying on orals for a long period of time is the damaging effects it has on your liver. i have done very long runs of orals, with no damage to my liver, but again, kept my doses very small.

TAPER! TAPER! TAPER! this is THE most important factor when women are using steroids. take a couple of extra weeks to "taper" off your cycle. adding "sythetic" test to your body will cause an increase in estrogen levels. if you just "stop" your cycle, you will run into think pms from your peroid is bad?

one of the biggest problem with use of AAS in women is there is hardly any information out there on this subject, it's fairly new territory.

just as a side note; water-based injectables (winstrol, suspension) cause an increased risk of abcess as opposed to using an oil-based injectable.

i guess my point behind this thread is to stress that women should always start out with small matter what their preference is in AAS. start off small, work your way up...and do your homework, make sure you know what you are taking, and the possible side effects behind it.


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I have been reading-reading and re-reading on other sites and you're the first site that has actually address women and cycles.
Thank you!
I just started at -
10 mg var
40 mcg clen(increasing 20 mcg daily until I reach 80/100mcg)

I'm older 38 (I get better & fiester with age) 135lbs 5'4" I work out 5 days a week. Cardio 4
The big "D" word - Diet

I know my protein should be at about 150grams. What about carbs/calories. I'm alittle lost on that. (I've got bad advice)

Can someone please help?????

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I have been reading-reading and re-reading on other sites and you're the first site that has actually address women and cycles.
Thank you!
I just started at -
10 mg var
40 mcg clen (increasing 20 mcg daily until I reach 80/100mcg)

I'm older 38 (I get better & fiester with age) 135lbs 5'4" I work out 5 days a week. Cardio 4
The big "D" word - Diet

I know my protein should be at about 150grams. What about carbs/calories. I'm alittle lost on that. (I've got bad advice)

Can someone please help?????

your protein intake should be alot higher than what it is, especially when running an anabolic. if you want to put on some lean muscle mass, my rule of thumb (some disagree, some agree) is 2gms of protein per lb. of lean mass (so, if you are dieting down to 130lbs, you would want to take in around 250gms of protein a day, broken into 6 or 7 meals/shakes.

carbs post workout, make sure you are taking in an EFA, at least 3 tablespoons a day (flax is my favorite) just make sure it's not taken post workout.

what exactly is your caloric intake per day, can you break down the macronutrients for me?


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Good job we got you here Queenie to take care of the female side of things.

Nice thread 😉

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I have 1 more inject of primo to go and my 1st cycle will be over. I have had too many side-effects. Maybe b/c I have had 1 inject of 1ml/100mg once a week. Anyway, I am not sure I'll ever juice again.

The pump is great and I have built more muscle but my periods have been irregular, it has even disappeared completely (I was taking a BC pill at the same time). I have had serious mood swings too.

Maybe I'll try BDVar, but I'm not sure yet. I'll take a break of 12 weeks anyway. So I have plenty of time to take a decision.

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Good job we got you here Queenie to take care of the female side of things.

Nice thread 😉


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Hey QOD,

Thank you for the reply. I upped my Protein to about 225 a day with 1.5 gallons of water, 1200 Calories,80 carbs.
Did two weeks of Clen and now (I'm off for a few which I'm debating what is right on this issue? I've read alot on it but so much of it's conflicting. I just know I'm gaining again.

Almost into my 4th week.
10 mg of var ed

5 x week gym
4 x cardio 30+ minutes
liquidex .25 eod for a week (helped with the puffiness)

I don't seem to be losing weight. I've had good strength gains but I need to cut & lean more. Any suggestions?

Thanks girlie for all your help!


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What the hell happend to

I take the depo provera shot and to my lovely suprise, (I HATE SURPRISES)I got one..... I guess I was spoiled.

I shouldn't be shocked though.... It was my ignorance.... I forgot all about that aspect.

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Hey QOD,

Thank you for the reply. I upped my Protein to about 225 a day with 1.5 gallons of water, 1200 Calories,80 carbs.
Did two weeks of Clen and now (I'm off for a few which I'm debating what is right on this issue? I've read alot on it but so much of it's conflicting. I just know I'm gaining again.

Almost into my 4th week.
10 mg of var ed

5 x week gym
4 x cardio 30+ minutes
liquidex .25 eod for a week (helped with the puffiness)

I don't seem to be losing weight. I've had good strength gains but I need to cut & lean more. Any suggestions?

Thanks girlie for all your help!


are you taking a junk day? how are you looking (don't worry about how much you weigh) it is quite possible to gain muscle and lose weight at the same time, unfortunately, muscle is three times heavier than fat, so the scales say you gained.

i would try ephedrine or yohimbine for a fat burner, just not at the same time. that's a no no. im not a big fan of clen, it only hits one beta receptor site, women carry most of their fat in their alpha sites, both ephedrine and yohimbine hit alpha sites....

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Hi girlie,

No junk day......I have ephedra 250mg with caffine 250mg (Stacker 3) would that work?

I don't look hard and I look puffy/bloated. I know I'm only four weeks in but I really think I should be losing more fat. Strenght gains are good.

I really appreciate your time!

I'm going to street vibrations in Reno this weekend and I will send you a "before" pic when I get back.


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puffy/bloated. I know I'm only four weeks in but I really think I should be losing more fat. Strenght gains are good.

join the club. I feel so bloated and puffy that I thought I might be pregnant. I bought a Pregnancy Test and ......... I'm safe.......

My stomach used to be flat and now it's forming like an unesthetical protuberance. What can I do?????

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join the club. I feel so bloated and puffy that I thought I might be pregnant. I bought a Pregnancy Test and ......... I'm safe.......

My stomach used to be flat and now it's forming like an unesthetical protuberance. What can I do?????

drink more water, that will help. also, what does your carb intake look like on any given day?

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drink more water, that will help. also, what does your carb intake look like on any given day?

Quite high, actually. I'm a carb freak. I can't live without some bread nor potatoes. Do you think it could be the cause of my bloating?

Thanks for your help.


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Quite high, actually. I'm a carb freak. I can't live without some bread nor potatoes. Do you think it could be the cause of my bloating?

Thanks for your help.


Carbs will most definately make you hold water. Carbs will pull alot water into your system. If you really have to have carbs then you should try rotating your carbs on a high, med, low schedule. That way you can still have some carbs and you will still drop weight.

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Carbs will most definately make you hold water. Carbs will pull alot water into your system. If you really have to have carbs then you should try rotating your carbs on a high, med, low schedule. That way you can still have some carbs and you will still drop weight.

agreed. carbs and water bind at 3:1 ratio, you up your water (water in, water out) and rotate your carbs, you will see a dramatic difference.

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