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Came over from FM....

I'm also following the carb cycling diet. I just started this week. I'm into my second cycle. I do no, high, low. Today is high .

My goal is to participate in a figure comp (not Ms. O ) in the spring.

My workout split goes like this

chest (used to be chest/back together but I split them up to work them harder)
tri/bi/shoulders (trisets)

In general, it going great, I'm very motivated and I'm getting the hang of preparing all that food, mesuring and packing everything up to bring with me at work. It's getting easier. AND everybody around me is getting used to it so they don't bug me as much (like offering me snacks and stuff)

All right, time to eat


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Hi mekira,

Welcome aboard. So how do you like the Carb Cycling? I had great results from this plan and so much so that when I decide to maintain I will continuing using this method but in a more "lifestyle" approach.

What show do you plan on competing in? What organization? I just did my first show 2 weeks ago. What an experience.

Any particular reason you work shoulders with your arms? Just curious

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Hi Mekira!



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Hi Wyst


I live in Canada , near Montreal so I contacted the bb federation here and the guy told me that they have a comp in March that is mostly for newbies. So that's the one I'm going for. I'm not sure what I'm doing but I'm following the carb cycling diet and I'll see in a month how things are going. I'm already seeing results cause my pants are looser woohoo..... Oh and I'm going for figure.

The reason I'm doing shoulder with arms is I'm trying out a workout that was posted on FM. It's a triset shoulder/bi/tri.... Like I said, I don't really know what I'm doing so I'm experimenting. Maybe thats not the right approch when you're starting but I like to try out things and see for myself (I'm a tiny bit stubborn )

I'm at work now and should NOT be on this forum


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Welcome to Avant Mekira
I did the carb cycle as well prior to my 2nd figure show and yielded great results. Its a great, easy plan.
I am gonna do another show in the Spring as well. Gives us plenty of time to prep.

Now get back to work

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Hi Mekira! Welcome!

Twin Peak
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And just in case anyone is wondering, FM = feminine muscle, probably the best collection of hardcore females on the net. If you haven't been there, I suggest you check them out.

This post was modified 3 years ago by admin

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Indeed. It's an awesome site and even as a guy I still enjoy checking it out (quality info plus the fun factor). The admins, mods and members there are all great people (except for TP, who is a member there. Don't like him

Props to Torchy and Kel.

This post was modified 3 years ago by admin

Man to his doom goes driving down; a crown of thorns is still a crown!


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Hey Mekira

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Welcome Mekira
