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Hello, I need to ask a question regarding females and supplementing with NO2. Has anyone ever used this product? If so, what was the negative and possitive effects. Length of use, dosage and was this supplemented with anything else? All feedback is appreciated.

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NO2 is great for men and women. It increases vasodilation and is great for promoting not only muscle growth, but also stamina, blood flow, oxygen transport, and it can lower blood pressure. If the NO2 you buy doesn't already have it included, arginine alpha-ketoglutarate (A-AKG) and arginine-ketoisocaproate (A-KIC) can boost short term Nitric Oxide levels as well.


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Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 9 homo it took you long enough to finally join a fantastic board...fellas this guy is a good man, a pretty jacked up one i must add, good to see ya posting!


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Sup steve, Candy and I like this place. Not alot of replies yet, but we're waitin'. You started yet? Me : 23rd. 400/400 this time. Dude, if you can, ask your lady friends if they've tried NO2 and what they thought.

Thanks homo

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as Psycho said, i don't think anything is wrong with a woman using it, not 100 percent sure, but if i were her let her do a trial run and see how she reacts to it...not many responses huh...yeah i know, this board is primarily dominated by men, but the women who do comment know their shit, so just be a little patient....later pimpdaddy!!!!

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A woman using NO2 would deliver no negative side effects following the dosing scedule. You can also try getting a book that costs about $1 at your local GNC.

It is by Edward A. Byrd (Co-founder of EAS) called NO2-The 21 day Transformation. It tells all the ends and outs and is very informative. Even tells how to gain the most benefits from using NO2 in conjunciton with your cycle/diet.

If you have any questions that require more detailed answers, feel free to email me. Welcome to the board.

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NO2 is a joke. Too expensive and honestly no more bioavailable than arginine. Smoke and mirrors my friends. I went through 5 bottles and gained NOTHING.
