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Not what I'd like to wake up to in the morning

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Go eat a brownie will ya? But make sure Diesel doesn't find out. Chicks are so touchy about younger girls.


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i bet you any money that she doesnt look as "manly" once she drinks a bit of water and her face fills out a wee bit. i like it.

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i like this alot.

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Go eat a brownie will ya? But make sure Diesel doesn't find out. Chicks are so touchy about younger girls.

That was funny as hell! LOL

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Or maybe some of this...

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Or maybe this...

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Can you elaborate on that last part? Are you saying that they told her she was "too muscular" or that she was "too ugly"? I doubt either would qualify as a valid excuse. It is bodybuilding after all.

i agree, she has a beautiful physique. she is probably very pretty in the off-season, she has just dieted down once too often and lost all the subcutaneous fat in her face, but you guys are right, it is more than likely overuse of androgens,

as for her physique, WOW!!!! nice symettry, proportion, great overall package IMO.

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Wouldnt mind waking up to this every morning.....

One of my favorites!

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i agree, she has a beautiful physique. she is probably very pretty in the off-season, she has just dieted down once too often and lost all the subcutaneous fat in her face, but you guys are right, it is more than likely overuse of androgens,

as for her physique, WOW!!!! nice symettry, proportion, great overall package IMO.

What good does symmetry or proportion do you if the drugs you're using have caused your face to look like a monster? I can assure you that in person she is not a "pretty person" either in season or off season. You don't go from BEAST to beauty just because it's off season.

The sport will improve much faster when competitors stop standing behind those who are abusing the program.

Steel Reserves
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What good does symmetry or proportion do you if the drugs you're using have caused your face to look like a monster? I can assure you that in person she is not a "pretty person" either in season or off season. You don't go from BEAST to beauty just because it's off season.


I totally agree, that broads face needs a bag, STAT! lol


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What good does symmetry or proportion do you if the drugs you're using have caused your face to look like a monster? I can assure you that in person she is not a "pretty person" either in season or off season. You don't go from BEAST to beauty just because it's off season.

The sport will improve much faster when competitors stop standing behind those who are abusing the program.

ive seen some "truly" unattractive women in bodybuilding, what about them? and they look VERY masculine when they are dialed in as there faces "cave" so bad.

can you draw a line as to "how pretty" you have to be to step on stage?

i really don't think her physique is over-developed either, i think she looks great.

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ive seen some "truly" unattractive women in bodybuilding, what about them? and they look VERY masculine when they are dialed in as there faces "cave" so bad.

can you draw a line as to "how pretty" you have to be to step on stage?

i really don't think her physique is over-developed either, i think she looks great.

It isn't a beauty contest, but it isn't an ugly contest either. One still needs to remain in the category of human. Her face alone has gone far past the look of anything female and into a new species of some kind. As for her looking "very masculine", I believe the goal of female bodybuilding is to be the ultimate female, not the ultimate male. According to the IFBB the goal is to promote health and fitness. She obviously doesn't do either, but neither do many males in the sport.

I do totally understand where you're coming from QOD and I'm not saying you are wrong, I just disagree. To me she is the poster child for the death of women's bodybuilding.

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It isn't a beauty contest, but it isn't an ugly contest either. One still needs to remain in the category of human. Her face alone has gone far past the look of anything female and into a new species of some kind. As for her looking "very masculine", I believe the goal of female bodybuilding is to be the ultimate female, not the ultimate male. According to the IFBB the goal is to promote health and fitness. She obviously doesn't do either, but neither do many males in the sport.

I do totally understand where you're coming from QOD and I'm not saying you are wrong, I just disagree. To me she is the poster child for the death of women's bodybuilding.

youre right, as far as the "masculenization" of her face, it IS what kills female bodybuilding.

the women (and men) have been given notice (pro division) that they are now to come in with the muscle decreasity and will be "dinged" on such things as "extended stomachs" which is great:)

hopefully they stick by their desicion (they seem to have done it with the women, i notice they aren't coming in as "hard" and "dry" as they have in the past) i guess we will just have to wait and see...

Chest Rockwell
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Personally, I find women's bb in a catch 22...well, figure and fitness fall into that category, too. Ok, so they need to be muscular...but not too muscular. Also, come in lean...but not too lean. To me it is retarded to have these broad, highly vague requirements. Bodybuilding at the pro level will always be a cult sport. It will NEVER...I repeat NEVER have a mainstream appeal.

I enjoy the look of the pros. I look at their physiques in awe and admire the dedication it takes to take the muscularity to that level. I believe many in the public look at it as disgusting (both men's and women's bb). Not much differently than a porn star with 1000 cc implants. "Freakish" is probably a good word to use...and not used as a compliment as it would be within bodybuilding circles.

To get to that level it requires a certain obsession that the mainstream cannot comprehend. A psychologist would probably label all pros with extreme obsessive compulsive disorder and muscle dysmorphia (the new buzz phrase). So be it...I say to each their own. As Arnold so eloquently put it..."it is no different than getting in a car and trying to see how fast you can go in a quarter mile".

As far as the women go, if it is over the top bodybuilding and the women are comfortable with it, then go for it. Be a freak. It should be judged the same way as a men's competition...or at least come up with strict judging requirements. Not this "come in with 20% less muscularity" crap. Personally I don't find a lot of the top IFBB pros that attractive...but I don't think they are trying to turn me on so what difference does it make? I can understand their mentality for being in the sport even if our gender is different. If they can handle the stigma that society will put on them then follow their dream.

Bottom line...people judge other people. Just go with what you like and to hell with other people's opinions.

This wasn't directed at you , T...but you are a simple bastard. bwahhhhh

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Bottom line...people judge other people. Just go with what you like and to hell with other people's opinions.

damn chesty you said something

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