Pregnancy after ste...
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Pregnancy after steroids?

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Darling Nikki
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Have any of you women had children after a cycle? I am getting ready to start a 5mg/ed cycle for 6 weeks.... but I am also planning on getting pregnant by August. Do you think that gives me enough time in between? I just wanted to know if any other women have done anything similar? I haven't had a chance to talk to my doctor yet. I did talk to a doctor and they had said it should be fine, but she isn't reccomending it. I am taking the cycle regardless...I just might wait on the whole baby factor!

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Is the cycle more important then starting your family. Will this cycle put you at a place you wouldnt be at without it?

I've seen your pictures and if it's for a compatition you dont need it.

Darling Nikki
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I think you are thinking of the other Nikki.... because I don't have any pics out yet...:D It isn't more important than starting a's just that I'm 23 so I have time to do that. I would like to start a family, but a few months isn't going to hurt really. Besides.... I would like to have a great bod before - so my husband will remember me like that instead of fat and bloated. HAHA! If I can gain as much muscle definition as possible before my pregnancy than all I have to do is maintain it during. I just didn't want to have any extreme effects on the baby.

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just to help put your mind at ease dear, think of it this way.

How many people have you seen that are just totally string out or have been strung out on a lot worse that have had perfect, I mean perfect children. And you look at these people and wonder how. I am sure everything will be fine. If it really concerns you that much, do a search and look up detection times. This will let you know when things are out of your system. Hope this helps.

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Sorry I thought you were someone else. 🙂

What Marty says is true. BUT if it was me and my wife I'd make sure her system was completly cleaned out first.

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You'd prob be fine, but I tell the guys this and I"ll tell you the same.....keep your body clean of everything for a minimum of 6 months before starting to try to concieve...

you don't compete, you want to have a baby.and your'e still very the cycle for some time later on down the road

and Good luck

