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yo hcl

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Can you ladies please share your experiences on yohimbine hcl? From my understanding I think it is better suited for women. I don't know what board I read that on. My sister can't handel xenadrine, it was just too much for her. She ingores all my advice on proper training and diet. After all she doesn't want to look like "Chyna."Her diet and trainning sucks and her diet is worse. She just wants me to give her a fat burner. She doesn't really have that much weight to lose perhaps 10 pounds which is all in her stomach. I was going to give her 5 mg a day of yo hcl. How did you ladies fare on this product?

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My girlfriend did not fare well with this stuff. Like me it induced anxiety in her. of course she was taking 10mg not 5mg per day. Might I recomend forskholin. Yhcl would probobly work better but forskolin is pretty side effect free.

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I personally like Ergo-Lean. It does not make me jittery. I combine it with Syntrax Guggulbolic and CLA. The only less than pleasant side effect is a rise in body temperature.

Not the "I'm afraid I'll get BIG' thing again :0
I lift regularly and pretty heavy and I am NEVER mistaken for a guy!

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Have your sis take a look at the pic's on's over 35 forum--the hot mamas over 35 thread. I think she will be amazed; none of them are competitive and most have kids, but these girls are inspiring. Don't feel bad if she doesn't listen; there is no magic pill--it is all hard work. BTW, my own sister is 300# so I know how worried you must be. Good luck.

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Ephedrine products make my wife very jittery, but she loves Norephedrine and has had great success with it. She doesn't get the jitters while on an NYC. Since she used up the last of my Adipokinetix, I have found a cheap alternative called Phenyl XL. The NYC in it is virtually the same dosage as Adipo was, though I don't know of the reputation of the company who makes it.

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As with anything I guess that what works for some can hype other's up to the max. Whilst I haven't tried anything like that as yet, I did wonder if you can split the pills's in half and take them at reduced amounts. I mean we are all different sizes shapes and meTbolism's, so you cannot cater for everyone with a "one dose fit's all" pill right?

I was going to ask if Gingko Biloba and Guarana with some Ginseng thrown in would work as I had tablets a while back and only took one and my backside was buzzing for hours...weird. I really think that if anything can boost your metabolism like that and circulation, it will have thermogenic qualities.

However, that does not solve her diet...and unless she changes that then it seems to me that she also need's to really look at what she is eating. I've been trying to decipher just exactly what percentage my macronutrients should be and was told on one board that it would be good at 40/30/30 p/c/f/....

Does anyone know if this is correct?

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I am kinda in the same plca with my girl friend right now, trying to decide her nutritional break down. She is not into lifting as much(right now!) but I figured her break down to be 40-40-20 p,c,f...she is on her feet most of the day and tend to work out towards the evening, so a lot of those carbs get used up in the day.

I tend to have a paticualr view on nutrient break down as to the time of day and not look at it as a total daily intake so much so for each paticular meal I have a different break down that fit very specific to the time of day. This is no secret by any strecth but I feel the total caloric break down over shaddows the importance of timming when it comes to recomending diets. I actually feel the timming is much more important than the caloric break down its self

Basically you can not have with with out the other, you will just not benefit.

so my break down for a maintenance/bulk period goes as follows(work outs@12:00)-

#1 -600-700calories~ 30p-65c-5f
#2- 400~ 30-60-10
#3- 300~ 40-60-0(pre-workout)
#4- 800-900~ 40-50-10 (post-w.o. of the carbs 50% are high GI)
#5- 500~ 60-20-20
#6- 350~ 60-10-30
#7- 280~ 80-0-20(this as I am going to bed, the protein comes from milk only..yumm )

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Posted by: @icequeen
I personally like Ergo-Lean.  It does not make me jittery.  I combine it with Syntrax Guggulbolic and CLA.  The only less than pleasant side effect is a rise in body temperature.

Not the "I'm afraid I'll get BIG' thing again :0
I lift regularly and pretty heavy and I am NEVER mistaken for a guy!

My wife also was able to tolerate ErgoLean. It's about the only non-NYC thermo that doesn't make her jittery. The others using any form of EC (herbal or otherwise) make her bounce off the walls. The ErgoLean seems to produce a nice, smooth lift of energy that lasts quite a while. I think PA did a great job with it as I've seen many women who can't tolerate the stimulant properties of the majority of the thermos out there. Adipo was also a great one. I used a knock-off version for a while, but it is no longer available. I think kilosports has another Adipo copy that was made by Gaspari.

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Oral yohimbine hcl is very hard to absorb; you should only take it on an empty stomach and shouldn't eat carbs for 3-4 hours. This makes it a hard supplement for most people to get any use out of it. If you aren't on a low carb diet, I wouldn't use oral yohimbine hcl. Topical yohimbine hcl is a whole other story; but again, if you aren't restricting kcals, it's not going to be very effective.

Sounds like she should first focus on cleaning up her diet (not that she'll probably listen to that advice), and then think about fat burners.
