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Bloody noses

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Steel Reserves
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An older friend of mine has been taking RC winny@ 50mg/ed for the past 3-4 weeks. He's in his 50's, was looking to harden up a bit but wanted to stay away from injects. Within the last 4-5 day's or so he's been getting alot of bloody noses. I guess last saturday he had like 6 of em. Now he say's he's had some problems with his blood pressure in the past, but since hitting the iron everything's been pretty cool. He's considering stopping because the inconvenence of all the bloody noses, is there any serious health risk here too? I know no one here's a doctor, just looking for some opinions. Thanks bro's, be talking.


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When the nose begins to bleed that much, it is time to take a break. Have him get his blood pressure checked several times. I do not recall every hearing bout anyone getting nose bleeds from an oral winny only cycle, but I guess it is possible.

Regardless, have him stop!

Steel Reserves
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Cool, thanks Slam! I'll let him know


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It's been a while, How did this person make out? Please post an update.

Steel Reserves
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Made out fine. Once he stopped the winny the bleeding stopped as well. Odd, but like we know everyone responds different. Thanks for the concern Slam, I'll pass it along.

