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Joined: Jul 23, 2022
Last seen: Oct 31, 2022
Topics: 3 / Replies: 80
RE: Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Great post BigJim. For us older guys, test replacement becomes a way of life. Sadly, few doctors seem to know very much about it. Thanks for the info....

2 years ago
RE: Continued use of Test. Enanthae.....

I mix things up all the time. I sometimes run Test Prop and do spot injections for 12 weeks as TRT

2 years ago
RE: Continued use of Test. Enanthae.....

I run TRT for 20 weeks ona and 6 weeks off. I have run it much longer but feel best at the above cycle plan.

2 years ago
RE: AAS for fat burning

I had to spend far too much time deciphering the summary. I think it states -Oral Oxandrolone (with dieting) produces greater abdominal and visceral f...

2 years ago
RE: AAS for fat burning

Great post.....thanks

2 years ago
RE: T3 for mature bro's

Slammer & others,I see in the search archives T3 might not be a wise idea for older lifters due to thyroid stress. I'd like your opinion on this.I...

2 years ago
RE: what about lower pecs

What about decline???In my experience delts and tris get too invloved for this to be a good solid exercise. I can no longer do dips so I do low cable ...

2 years ago
RE: 3rd cycle for old guy?

for that reason, you may want to include EQ instead of deca. EQ will stimulate your appetite and force you to eat.I'd run the dbol up front too.Gotta ...

2 years ago
RE: The lesser of 2 evils, WTF do I do?

2 on 1 off methodThat or 1 iu ED for 3 on and 1 off.....I'd try BJ's idea first, then mine....then again, what the hell do I

2 years ago
RE: Going for Test. level testing- suggestions?

Got my results. LOW. I'm glad actually, I know now there is a physical reason for how I was feeling. I had no energy, libido, trouble focusing at work...

2 years ago
RE: Going for Test. level testing- suggestions?

I read the thread on HRT/TRT. Good stuff. I'm going for testing for low test levels next Monday. What's the best tact to get my Doc on my side? Man I ...

2 years ago
RE: HGH Cycle Opinions

I'M BACK!! Its been a while since I have visited. I've been doing other interests but thought I'd drop in and read a bit. GREAT to see the same crowd ...

2 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 362
RE: Tren- Fat burning and "fina cough" both from prostaglandin metabolization

Solid info....I'll stick this for a while, and find a good place for this later, as reference.....thanks.....

2 years ago
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