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Change of plans?

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Eminent Member
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I had recently planned a 300deca/400test cycle. Due to recent unexpected misfortune I'll have to stick with a deca d/bol cycle.
How much deca should I use?
I was thinking 200mg every 5 days for plus 20-30mg of d/bol for 6 weeks.
How long should I run the deca, 8/10/12 weeks? Thanx
I'm 5'10, 182lbs, around 15% bf.
I'm 20 years old so I think d/bol will be better for me especially since I'll only be running it for 6 weeks.
clomid should start 2 weeks after last injection of deca or do I start it right after I finish the d/bol? Thanx

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Another question. When do I throw in the d/bol, Beginning, middle or end? Thanx.

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what it is bro

I would definetely run the Dbol at the start of the cycle. The deca will take a few eeks to start kicking in, so the dbol will kickstart the cycle. I dont know if it was on purpose or not, but good choice staying away from test at 20 years of age. You should have a lot floating around in your system anyways. I would take the clomid two weeks after the last shot of deca. 300mg day 1, 100mg/day rest of week 1, then 50mg/day for the next two weeks.

good luck bro, and train hard.

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Thanx bro, would anyone know when would be the best time to pop the d/bol tabs? Do I have to chew them? They're pink 5mg anabol tabs.

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spread them out throughout the course of the day. This will keep the levels a little more even then taking the whole dose at once. You shouldnt have to chew the 5mg tabs.

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I would wait until I got ahold of test to run your cycle. Now there is a chance for the dreaded DD.

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At 300mg/wk, I don't think you'd have to worry about "DD".... Not to say that it can't happen, but it is unlikely.

If you are doing dbol, it has a 4 hour half life, so you are best to spread out the dosage as much as possible.

Do the dbol weeks 1-4, that way you don't have estrogen from the dbol aromatization and progesterone from the deca conversion, to fight at the same time.....

Have your counter measures on hand. IMHO, deca/winny makes for a much better stack.

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I have enough deca to run it at 400mg/week for 10 weeks. Would this be overdoing it?
Would it be ok to take half the dosage of D-bol 2 hrs before workout and then the other half 2 hrs after?
Thanx for all replies

Trusted Member
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Spread the D-bol out during the day like T-Spine said. The half life is very short for D-bol. I wouldn't worry about taking more before your workout, it probably won't make much difference. And taking 400mgs Deca/wk. is fine. Running it for 10 weeks would be a good idea since it takes 4-5 weeks to really start seeing results from it. Good luck bro, hope this helps.

