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First Cycle need some help

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Hi guys I'm new here and I was just wondering if I can get some help.

I want to take Test/Deca/novaldex/clomid for my first cycle and I was wondering if this is a good cycle, I am 5'10" and only weigh 165. I have taken Dbol before but not a full cycle (just dabbed into it) and some Prohormones (junk).

When I took dbol I never took clomid and I think I have some testical shrinkage, should I take this deca cycle or no? Will it cause much damage to me?

Plus I heard that you should take Dbol for the first 4 weeks of the cycle (10 week cycle).

Thanks for all the help you guys.

PS. How much gear will I need and how much will it cost (CDN) or (US) :toilet I dont want my money going down the drain.

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What kinda test are you wanting to take? The prices are going to vary from where you go. I would do the deca at 400mg a week and the dbol at 25-35 a day, test consumption for a beginning cycle is 200mg a week being low and 400 being the most average. Then according to size and exp. going up from there. Yes run the Dbol for the first 4 or 6 weeks. But then this being your first cycle some of the other bro's with more knowledge may say you dont really need all 3 for your first ones.

Either way your going to get shrinkage with deca or not, the clomid will help you out at the end.

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I was thinking of sus.

How will the clomid help out exactly? (don't forget I'm new to this)
Will it bring them back to normal size or just bring the test levels back to normal?

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the clomid will bring test levels back to normal and testicles will come back to normal size good luck train hard

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Novaldex, When should I take it?

Plus clomid means no more shrinkage or just a little?

PS. Thanks for all the help so far guys, I really apreciate it.:)

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Adrenaline hit you off with a good cycle.

Use Nolvadex at first sight of Gyno symptoms. 10-20mg ed will do the trick. Keep using it well past the last shot you take for your cycle. Sust will be active in your system for up to 3 weeks after last shot.

Clomid means your balls will start back up after being supressed by the gear thus restarting your natural hormone production again. Dont worry about your balls shrinking just worry about getting alot of puntang when you start the cycle....your going to be one horny mo'fo!
