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Has any one used HCG as an anobolic training solution?

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What in the hell are you talking about???????? What is your definition of an "anabolic training solution"? I could consider vitaimin C to be an "anabolic training solution".....

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Take a good guess.....I think it's obvious enough....

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:lol lol. That's great TS.

Steve, there's no need to be subtle or to candy coat your questions on this board. On WBB, maybe. Here... just be blunt. Anyway, I don't feel that HCG is a good alternative to just using AAS. You're not gonna find anything that'll put muscle on you as efficiently with fewer sides and for such a low cost as AAS. They were designed for that purpose... and that's why we use em.

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"Anobolic Training Solution" I smell an I.T. consultant in the house... Did you identify and quantify your biological goals, then develop a world-wide "Anabolic Training Solution"? Did you do your market research?, is it scalable? What kind of metrics are involved. Sounds like somthing off of my resume.

just pokin fun at ya


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Originally posted by stevem447
Take a good guess.....I think it's obvious enough....

If it was obvious and you were "proactive" and clear in your terminology, question and goal, I wouldn't have had to ask...., would I??????? One thing that I see over and over is that people are all different, think differently, have strange ideas, or misinformed ideas, and try weird and strange things all the time..... So for me to "guess" what the hell you are talking about is not the best option....

If you were talking about using hcg by itself to try and stimulate your body to produce more test than it would normally, I wouldn't try it. Chances are you will end up with gyno. The reason it works when you are on cycle, is that your pituitary isn't putting out the LH and FSH, because your body has enough test..... So you are just mimmicking those hormones, getting your body to produce normal amounts. I don't think hcg is a turbocharger for normally functioning nuts.....

If you are talking about using it for mid cycle or coming off cycle, to get your nuts to stop atrophy and get back on line, then I'd say yes it is beneficial......

If you are using it for some other purpose, who knows..... I hear of people snorting fina!!!!! Should I assume that everyone has that nutty idea when they ask about how often to "take" their fina..... I think you get the point......

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If u didn't get this posting on the other thread here is my responce....

My reason 4 avoiding AAS is in part due to my age....I am 40....If I could find a way to enhance my bodies natural ability to produce more test I would prefer that.....But u may be right ....just exploring the options.....I wanted to see if anyone on the board had actually tried this.....or if it were commonly done......

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Use some Nolvadex with HCG so that you cut down on your chances of bad gyno and water retention...i notive that the nolvadex tends to blast a lot of water out of you which is a good thing..the HCG is used after your cycle to jumo start your body's test production...i wouldnt suggest using to give you a boost though...only used when coming off the sauce.

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what gym u work out at in staten island..????

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Originally posted by poppapump333
what gym u work out at in staten island..????

Dolphin Fitness

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Originally posted by stevem447
If u didn't get this posting on the other thread here is my responce....

My reason 4 avoiding AAS is in part due to my age....I am 40....If I could find a way to enhance my bodies natural ability to produce more test I would prefer that.....But u may be right ....just exploring the options.....I wanted to see if anyone on the board had actually tried this.....or if it were commonly done......

If you want to boost your bodies natural test and GH output, eat properly, excercise vigorously, including weights, and get plenty of sleep. These will all help boost your natural levels.

Your body is way too complex. If you want to avoid test directly, try tribulus, yohimbe, horney goat weed, etc.....
