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Home Brew Fina

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Well, I tried my hand at making fina. Basically, I found that my results were GREAT! I started using DMSO with the ground up pellets. BAD BAD IDEA! I got a very bad infection because DMSO breaks down the skin leaving ANYONE open to infection.

So, I started to cook the stuff up and inject. I took 75 mg M-W-F. I gained about 10 pounds in my 4th week. I would SWEAT like crazy. My legs although retaining just a tad fluid were very very vascular and striated. I upped the dosing to 150 mg. EOD...WOW! I gained about 25 CLEAN pounds by week 8. My bench went up 85 pounds. My shoulder press was up 100 pounds. I gained 2" on my arms alone.

Drawbacks: I did get some pain urinating and ejaculating. After a while the cranberry I took really helped. Apparently the prostate swells causing the pain. Also, I had some issues getting it up. That was fun. 🙁

Fina is great. Lots of solid weight, good strength, hardness OF MUSCLE, tendons felt great too.

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Good info. on gains and sides, I'll (bump) to that!

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Just trying to help. 🙂

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fina is my fav but your gains are more than anyone should dream about.. training, diet, and the stars must have all be dead on.. congrats..

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Starting out as a natural powerlifting was a great start for me. Yes, I tend to be somewhat obsessive about my diet and recovery. I will set my clock to have a protein shake. I can't wait to give it a try again. It just goes to show you that steroids are not magic alone. It's the determination and organization along with hard work that really gets it done with or without drugs.

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fina is about as close to magic as you can get.. but you're absolutely correct diet & training is what really counts..

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Great job bro...Congrats!

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Originally posted by ironman_845
fina is about as close to magic as you can get.. but you're absolutely correct diet & training is what really counts..

Fuck man, words more true have never been spoken. I am on about a gram a week of test, but the fina has made PHAT improvements in strength, energy, attitude, and mass. I am about to order a shit-load more. I fucking LOVE this stuff!!! I am going on winny and fina in about a month or so, can't wait to see the fucking vascularity from that shit.

Of course, diet is fucking king. Taking tren with a bad diet will do NOTHING!!! I won't go into it, but few steroids work with a non-concurrent diet plan.


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Not very impressed with Fina alone, but add some test and you are good to go. And as far as the cran extract, that's a must!! Look out for this one newbies ahhahaa, especially if you are doing lower back.:D

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My results were with fina alone and I LOVED IT.

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A little Test would solve the 'dick' problem.

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I've done cycles with fina alone and had good results-seems to me that cost vs. results, I'm better off with just upping the dose of fina and leaving the test completely out (I've done over a gram a week of test and have gotten little out of it) but with the fina I always see improvements (I usually go 150mg 3x a week)

my last cycle i used it with Anadrol and swelled up huge...everyone said that I looked like a bull (all chest back and neck)
now I'm going to start a cycle in a few weeks with Dbol and fina (see how that works out)

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I don't notice anything but sweat and insomnia on the EOD schedule. I have to do every day injects to notice a strength increase and it takes 5 to 6 weeks for me to see the effects of fina.

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Just smelling it makes me stronger. I love that smell.
