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How to maintain gains post cycle

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1) Keep protein intake high

2) Keep calories high (clean if possible to avoid fat gain)

3) Lower training volume somewhat, but dont stop working out, maybe take an extra day or so off the first few weeks of post cycle

4) Still stick with low reps high weight and fairly low volume

5) Creatine, 5-10g per day

6) Glutamine 10-20g per day

7) HCG at the end of your cycle (huge difference IMO in post cycle recovery)

8) clomid, Nolvadex

9) Lots of sleep

10) Avoid alcohol, and other recreational drugs (especially drugs like mdma, coke, speed, ritalin, adderall, etc. although if hopefully this isnt even an issue with you, but I figured I'd mention it).

11) Avoid alot of cardio

12) Follow the 120-150 Rule, meaning eat every 120-150 minutes (2-2.5 hrs) Don't let yourself go very long without a meal (always include protein in that meal whether it be from food or a is always better though)

13) Take ZMA on a nightly basis. This difference is prob minor but isn't a bad idea as I find I get a better night sleep on it, and insufficient zinc in one's diet can cause low Testosterone levels.

14) Avoid stress, you want to keep cortisol to a minimum post cycle.

15) Control cortisol with phosphatidylserine , 800-1200 mg per day roughly reduces cortisol levels by 30-45 % , then add in 2-5 gms of vit c

16) The use of clenbuterol can be useful , beta agonists in the muscles helps increase protein synthesis, but I don't use it pct so I can't speak for it personally.

17)winstrol is beneficial in the last couple weeks of a cycle because it is a very mild AAS in terms of its affect on HTPA, plus it'll help you lean out a bit at the end (get rid of some water retention, etc) and make the gains that you have made more solidified.

18) Arginine and Citruline can be very useful post cycle...thats right NO2 supplements. Now whether or not you have gotten the hyped up gains that they claim is dependent on you, but Arginine and Citruline do infact cause nitrogen retention, which is very important during your pct.

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Great info Cardi.. you're on the ball today!!!

I wanted to ask you though.. whats your opinion on hcg over clomid? Ive never used hcg but i usually use clomid. Obviously using both would be the best route but would you rate one better than the other in terms of post cycle recovery?

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Thanks Adren, just trying to help out.

As for the HCG vs Clomid, HCG is the winner, hands down. You'll wanna combine the HCG with Nolvadex because it will help prevent any side effects and stimulate the testes too.

If you cant get HCG then the use of Clomid is acceptable, this is what we veterans would use before for PCT with good results.

From the research QOD posted on Tribulus, it looks like it can also be thrown into the mix if you cant get your hands on the HCG/Nolvadex combo.

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As for the HCG vs Clomid, HCG is the winner, hands down. You'll wanna combine the HCG with Nolvadex because it will help prevent any side effects and stimulate the testes too.


Good, cause that exactly what I need. With the new baby and working on this house I need something to stimulate them. Cause the wife sure isn't. LOL

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Good, cause that exactly what I need. With the new baby and working on this house I need something to stimulate them. Cause the wife sure isn't. LOL

Marty, if that dont work, theres something that has worked for men for ages..............PORN!!lol

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good post.

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Hey Marty I will give you 10000 IU of hcg........just because I feel for you not getting any :dlick

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Marty, if that dont work, theres something that has worked for men for ages..............PORN!!lol

...and with that, Marty hops in the recliner and begins a 6-hour Bruce Lee video marathon. j/k man, keep at it- it'll all be worth it when you can sit back at a barbecue this summer and look at all of the shit you've been working on and smile. Ever get some of your tools back from that pawn shop investigation??

Good post Cardi. Obviously you have to keep lifting off-cycle, despite the unpleasantries of a few months of naturalism, long should you keep up the maintenance routine itself, just throughout PCT?
