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Just wondering

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Any body have any experience with using Insulin and t3 to control metabolism? I here you can take off body fat as well as build mass....Any truth to this?......How dangerous is it?

Estimable Member
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Both have the potential for being EXTREMELY dangerous on their own if not used properly...... Side effects run the gammet up to death.......

So running them together could be extremely dangerous...... Make sure you know 100% what the hell you are doing before you touch them.......

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i agree with T-Spine on this better know what you're doing...that shit can be dangerous if not used properly

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I tried running T3's once. I Didn't do it properly. I was fucked up for a while. Make sure you taper!!!!!!

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Any body ever heard of this T2 stuff....supposed to be as good if not better than T3 ....without all the side effects...?

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good advise by the brothas above. I wouldnt fuck with either one unless you research it fully. I for one will never touch insulin. I dont see a need for it unless you are competing. If you cant get where you want by gear alone, then you arent doing everything right. (to a certain extent). JMO


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I wouldnt recommend taking both at the same time. T-3 is primarily used in cutting cycles and insulin is used for bulking. Neither is dangerous if you educate yourself throughly. I always use insulin when on off cycle and see excellent results. Drop me a line for some great insulin primers.

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u seem 2 know what ur talkin about on the t'3 side of things im 21 ,19 stone and bout 6ft 5" im justr finishing my first ever cource of gear and have seen sum good and sum bad sides to in a seem 2 have put on a bit of weight round adout the mid-rift now a got my hans on sum t3s to try and sort this problem out the only problem is no1 seems to know how they should be used ne help would be much apreciated.
