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Right arm is much bigger...

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My right arm is much bigger than my left...i aleady do a lot of work with dumbells. My question is what else can i do to make my left arm catch up?

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SYNTHOL ! Just kidding about synthol, but that stuff works. I guess maybe do a couple of more sets with your lagging arm. How far behind is it?

Chest Rockwell
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Everybody is going to have a dominant side on most every bodypart.

Sometimes it seems more evident due to an increased bicep peak on one arm apposed to the other. I would advise you train with the same intesity on both arms. If you're doing alternating dumbell curls, do the same weight/reps on each arm even if you need a slight spot on the weaker side. The body will not normally let one side get overwhelmed by the other. Keep training hard and eating right. It will work out if you put the same intesity into both arms. (Just remember that there will always be a slight difference)

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Either stop masterbating with your right arm or switch over to the left hand for a while, it worked for me, lol.

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If the difference is large, then ease up on the right arm and concentrate on maintaining, but kick it up a notch on the left to try and bring it up to speed. You also might consider that most of your arm size comes from the tri's, so work dumbells with those too..... You don't want a large imbalance, cuz it could result in injury on heavy compound movements like bench press.

The 5th Element
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Originally posted by bigcat
Either stop masterbating with your right arm or switch over to the left hand for a while, it worked for me, lol.

lol i knew someone would bust in a comment about rubbin one out.

I have the same prob with my legs. my left leg is A LOT stronger than my right. This shows especially when i do 1 legged leg press. I started doing the same weight for my right and same reps also to let everything catch far so good.

the weird thing is i am ambidextrous(sp?) so i dont know how this happenned cause the rest of my body is totally balanced


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watch carefully at how you lift. my right lat is bigger than my left. as i started watching carefully to how i was lifting, i noticed that on cable pulldowns, my right elbow was further forward than the left, therefore i was pulling down using my inner back more than i was with my right. also my left bi is bigger slightly and that comes from slightly different positioning ex: on concentration curls, i noticed that my left elbow is closer to my groin and i turn the weight out more towards my knee than i do with my right. hope i ddint get you anymore lost...i am pretty tired

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Despite what you might think this is not a disease! You can beat this one with relative ease!
There is much good advice given above this reply and I would suggest that you look at the ones that advise you to do an extra set on the weak arm or whatever body part that is lagging behide.
Another thing that I have found amazingly beneficial is to do some posing. Now, that may sound a little strange and all but believe me when I say that it works. Take a little time, after you training, in front of a mirror perferrably and do some double biceps poses. Also do some most muscular shots, mostly anything that utilizes your arms. Take a look in any magazine and look at some of the shots of the pros and try to imitate them. This will do a few things for you. First, help with hardness and vascularity. Second, give you greater muscle control. Third, flood your muscles with blood to flush out any latic acid build up. Mostly, posing, as far as I am concerned, will assist your weak body part with a little extra workout without overtaxing it to the point of over-training.
Stay with it and happy training!

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Thats funny, cause my left arm is slightly smaller than my right, but it reps out faster/better, and with greater ease. Throw in a couple extra sets, and while you are doing both arms make sure that you are using the strictest form, and try to mirror each movement. you could throw in a burnout after the last set to increase the blood in the left.

