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Does smoking affect growth or strenght increases? I've been smoking for a couple of years now and it never crossed my mind. I smoke about half a pack to a whole pack a day. I work as a security guard so I get kind of bored. Thanx

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Yes it does.

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Nicotine burns your energy,bro, so as any other drug. Did you see any bouncy pot-smokers or meth addicts? I smoked back in high school for about 3 years, quited and never regreted about it. I know the difference.

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smoking is a bad thing. I smoked for 10 years. when I quit, is when I joined the gym. figured....if I'm gonna be healthy, I might as well work out too.... 😀

smoking does surpress your appetite, but it zaps energy and (as we all know) will do major harm in the long term. I can tell you, I have already done irrepairable harm to my lungs. no matter how hard I try, I cannot get anywhere near the lung capacity and endurance back that I had before smoking. it also stinks and is a dirty habit (just look at the butts laying around). you also intrude on others with the stench.

if you get bored at work, try chewing gum. I know it sounds dumb, but mostly it just gives you something to do. fiddle with things. spin a pencil between your fingers. anything that creates motion in your hand that will occupy your mind. I cant sit still and I found when I quit smoking, it was a lot worse. I'm always smacking gum, popping my knuckles, twitching my hands (because they're empty), playing with pens/pencils/remotes, whatever. smoking is also more of a subconscious habit than anything else. example, get in the truck, light a cigarette. not because I wanted one, that's just what you do. take that out and you are on your way to quiting.

good luck!

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I smoked two packs a day 4 17 years......I started when I was 13....I feel it defiantly inhibited my growth in more ways than one.....It probably affected my hormone levels and it defiantly impaired the development of my vascularity!

Training and smoking is total insanity.....u are placing your body under tremendous stress.....You are compromising your immune system by forcing it to deal with the constant repair of you entire vascular and lymphatic systems! That is why most people who smoke experience fatigue......

Quit smoking u are literally killing your self a cigarette at a time! Not to mention the punishment you are forcing upon your self by training simultaneously.....Give it up Dude it's now or never! It will be the toughest but most worth while thing u will ever do.......

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If you are bored, read a BB or Powerlifting Mag, re-work your training routine, tweak your diet, plan future cycles, buy a kinesiology book or a biology book and read up and learn how your body works..... But DON'T Smoke!

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i used to smoke too.. i quit using books (LOTS and LOTS of books) and gameboy... that shit is addictive, small, cheap and you cant do shit else while you play it (except maybe sit in a truck doing security).


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Originally posted by zxanarchy
i used to smoke too.. i quit using books (LOTS and LOTS of books) and gameboy... that shit is addictive, small, cheap and you cant do shit else while you play it (except maybe sit in a truck doing security).


I agree, GameBoy is the shit. I smoked for 15 years and when I quit 2 years ago, my workout got soooooooo much better in a matter of weeks, I was way more stronger. I used Zyban and Niccorette (The smoker stack) along with my GameBoy. Talk to your doc about it. Get him or her to to perscribe it as its generic name Wellbuterin. Its a lot cheaper as Wellbuterin is an anti depresent that HMO's will pay for, but if it is perscribed as Zyban then your insurance wont pay for it cuz the tobacco industry sais its not addictive - yea right.

just my .02 cents



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then do push ups, get one of those 'squeezing aparatus' to improve your grip, get a harmonica, write a book, beat up your boss.........whatever it takes to keep you away of the cigarettes,not only screw yourself but also whoever is around!!!!

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a fellow big bro once told me best

"its all or nothing"

why put something harmful into your system when you are trying to build your body into a powerhouse machine

smoking is bad bro
quit the bad habbit man

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Bump for you bros! HELL....I needed to hear that too! I have almost quit that I read that I know I can do it. I used to smoke 1-2 packs a day. Now I can get by with only 1-2 cigarettes a day. Fuck...i know I can do now that I have read what you guys have gone through. GOod advice! Thanks BK3

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Smokin' be bad.......but so are roids boys and girls!!

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Originally posted by Brise
Smokin' be bad.......but so are roids boys and girls!!

I see where you are going, but they don't compare.

1. AAS are a means to an end. What goal do cigarettes help you reach?

2. AAS can improve your physique if moderation and proper use are employed. IF you are taking aas to improve yourself physically, why smoke? Are you saying smoking has some positive effect on building your physique.

3. Yes, abuse of AAS can be harmful, but we aren't talking about abuse.....

4. How is adding test (which is naturally occuring in your body) any comparison to adding TAR, FORMALDEHYDE, ANTI-FREEZE, etc. which are all found in cigarettes?

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Get on him, Ti !
