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Test+ai Along With Xanax,valium,marijuana And Alcohol

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An associate of mine is curious about test+AI as I suggested them to him for increased work performance and a better disposition in general but has some reservations concerning possible interactions due to usage of benzos,alcohol and weed.

He would like to get back into training on a steady basis but his time to do so is limited due to running his own landscaping/hardscaping business.He is under a good deal of stress due to the nature of the work and uses valium and xanax in moderate amounts to deal with anxiety.Regardless of wether he trains or not,I proposed low dose Test-Enanthate'>test e and aromasin to him as it can only be beneficial on energy and mood with consideration given to the fact he is 37.

He smokes nicotine,weed and drinks alcohol.He doesn't have any problems with escessive usage of any of the substances he uses,he does not use benzos and alcohol simultaneously.He is concerned about possible interactions between the aforementioned and the cycle outlined below.

Weeks 1-7:
Test enth unate 500mg weekly
Var 30mg ED
12.5 mg Aromasin
30mg of Raloxifene (lipids)

Wees 7-8:
Var 30mg ED Aromasin
30mg raloxifene

Week 9:
25mg Aromasin
20 mg Nolva

Week 10:
25mg Aromasin
40 mg Nolva

Week 11:
25mg Aromasin
40 mg Nolva

Week 12:
20 mg Nolva

The var is optional and is included as a suggestion to stave off any joint pain which may come from the resumal of training.

Protective supps in use would be sesamin and:

I am sure there is nothing to worry about as he doesn't pop valiums with gleeful abandon and so on.I am starting this thread with the sole intent of getting confirmation from other members that it is all quite safe,which would give him the confidence and peace of mind to start on a cycle.

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I take Xanax, Ativan and Paxil and cycle. I used to smoke herb, but now it makes me paranoid and uncomfortable and I haven't drank in 3 years. Common sense says that mixing everything while cycling isn't a smart idea, but everyone is different.

Point? I take benzos and Paxil for anti-anxiety properties, and I have no problems. When I add Tren Ace, Winstrol, Masteron, Test E, Anadrol and deca+ benzos and Paxil like my last cycle....well let's just say that I nearly went to jail for knocking out a Marines teeth, nearly killed a friend of mine and scared the shit out of my girlfriend. I had no idea who the hell I was. AAS are serious, so I would advise (as I learned personally) being as clean as possible while on anything chemical like this.

I'm rambling because I'm tired. Hope some of that made sense.

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Tell him to stop drinking , weed and pills and he will probably have plenty of energy to get through the day. Anabolics is the last thing he needs IMO.

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Posted by: @BIGGUNS101
Tell him to stop drinking , weed and pills and he will probably have plenty of energy to get through the day. Anabolics is the last thing he needs IMO.

I'd tend to agree with that advice. He's got a lot of stuff pulling him in different chemical directions and adding one more thing to the mix is more likely than not to produce an effect that is not beneficial.

Quis nos es non potens ut muto, nos es postulo perfero. Illegitimis non carborundum!

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Posted by: @Colin

I suggested them to him for increased work performance and a better disposition in general

You have no idea if this will better his 'disposition'. It might, but it also might make him a miserable bastard. Not everyone feels good with very high test levels. Even if he feels good when 'on' a quick recovery after the cycle is no guarantee, doesn't matter how good the PCT plan is. Lots of things to consider before jumping on.

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I am running Test E (750mgs a week) and am scripted klonopin (but have also used other benzo's) with no problems, actually good for the anxiety caused in some people from the juice. I have a nasty temper and worry about my disposition on cycle but so far I have kept it under control, and I think benzos are to thank for that.

I have also been smoking a decent amount of bud lately, trying to take my mind off harder drugs and pass the boring time between work and the gym and learning about work, and .......the gym. I need a hobby or a new gf to pump some of this extra test into, but I digress.

The alcohol, unless it's very moderate consumption, is just stupid during a cycle. Not even an option to me, but to each their own.

What are his reasons for wanting to run this? IMHO better work performance and disposition are almost just side effects. His main reasons should be the reasons everyone runs cycles, but who am I to judge.

As far as interactions it looks fine, but everyone is different. I know my body can handle all of those, minus the AI (since I haven't needed it yet and won't use it unless I have to, so should he). Only thing I am unsure about is Raloxifene, why not use an herbal lipid sup, like niacin, RYR, Hawthorne, COQ10, etc etc? I heard nothing really helps HDL while on anyway (its PCT that counts), but have never heard of Ralox, so.........who knows.

He should have a full panel done before he does this if he does, which he shouldn't but it won't kill him if he does. Personally I wouldn't want to shut down my HPTA to be able to load pallets faster for my boss (or whatever he does, does it really matter?). I would want to add at least 30 pounds and keep 20. And have all those other things too, minus the booze.

Does this guy even plan on training? (please say yes).

Your a smart guy, talk him out of it unless his intentions are better than they sound here. He is using a bazooka to shoot down a hornet's nest. One is overkill and the other you don't want to stir up unless you have to.


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Look Colin, you don't know what the fuck you're doing here, recommending that someone who hasn't been in training for a while, and maynot have the time to train during a cycle, do one.

Moreover, if he is running a short cycle with test-E at 500 mgs, why is he even bothering with pct? For 12-16 weeks, sure.

This isn't wise. He drinks, he uses uppers and he uses weed. He needs to drop the uppers and alcohol, get his ass back into the gym for a couple of years with a clean diet, and then if he needs test, he can use it for a boost to help push his mass once he has attained substantial gains naturally, but really, this whole game plan of yours sucks. Its going to push his neurochemistry MORE out of whack, fuck over his already jacked liver lipids, and is going to have negative effects on water retention, blood pressure, sleep, and recovery.

Why do you have this belief that it will improve work performance over simply stopping his unhealthy habits??

Please don't take these comments as harshly worded or meant to insult you personally. I'm an anabolics mod elsewhere, and I can tell you that one fuck of a lot of people have wrongful notions of what AAS, even a simple test (short acting esters) cycle can do for those who aren't in shape and have previously abused their livers.

You do not use it for weight loss, you do not use it for "performance enhancement" out of the gym, and for god sakes, you do not use it when someone has a alcohol and drug abuse history.

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Just when I was wondering where trouble was hiding.....

Everything in trouble's post is correct. I can attest firsthand. If you don't have your shit together before a cycle, you might as well hang it up. You're wasting money and also playing roulette with emotional stability. Make wise decisions on this one and get him cleaned up if you can, get him on a diet and training regiment, then as aforementioned, get on Test AFTER gains are at a plateau.

It's good advice IMO. But who ever listens nowadays. So on a realistic note, your friend isn't going to listen. Atleast tell him to stop smoking and kill the weed for a t least a few weeks, start training to get back into it and get the feel for weights again and to set a schedule that he can stick with. Then, when he's decided, tell him to just do a bread and butter cycle. Test E @ 500mg EW split Sunday and Thursday. Run it for 10 weeks and see how he feels. No PCT should be necessary. Take a month off or two or three and perhaps, after getting bloodwork done and everything checks out normal, do the same cycle but add some Deca.


Just being realistic in my advice.

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Your freind sounds like the way I used to cycle 5 years ago. My cycling days are over- I'm married, I have a 12 month daughter, I'm poor: there's absolutely no reason for AAS in my life right now. However when I cycled recently uppers were necessary b/c of my narcolepsy- they fuck'd my blood pressure and I had to take BP meds for 6 months. Benzo's helped w/ mood problems, but now I can't feel comfortable in my own skin w/o them.

Alcohol... well I don't drink so can't comment but I've seen drunk juice-heads and it's never good. Weed & AAS... you're buddy will get so paranoid he'll make Tony Montana look like a level-headed kind of guy you'd want to babysit your kids. -V

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seriously your boy needs some discipline and focus in his life.
"under a good deal of stress due to the nature of the work"
is this a fucking joke?
what is he, an air traffic controler?

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I do think some low dose testosterone, as in 5 grams of Androgel could be beneficial since his natural test is bound to be low and this might improve mood, lower cortisol and anxiety.

But I would not start him on a substantial cycle with the given information but the this is merely based on his emotional status and drinking.

If he is hell bent on doing it at least ditch the orals.

I strongly disagree with the notion of skipping PCT.

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Posted by: @avantgarde
I do think some low dose I strongly disagree with the notion of skipping PCT.

Yeah I'd like to know why trouble feels that a 2 months cycle of test and anavar doesn't require or benefit from PCT. Anavar alone shrank my nuts considerably in just a few days. Very supressive compound... or at least feels like it.

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Yeah, I had bloodwork after a few weeks of 80 mg Anavar. Test levels - barely detectable.

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Posted by: @omnibus
Yeah I'd like to know why trouble feels that a 2 months cycle of test and anavar doesn't require or benefit from PCT. Anavar alone shrank my nuts considerably in just a few days. Very supressive compound... or at least feels like it.

I think Trouble was commenting on the extent/dosages of the PCT program, which I believe is a bit much for only an 8 week cycle.

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Posted by: @Viator

I think Trouble was commenting on the extent/dosages of the PCT program, which I believe is a bit much for only an 8 week cycle.

"Why is he even bothering with PCT" sure sounds like she thought it was unnecessary altogether. Moreover, it's hard to know how extensive or aggressive the PCT should be. I don't believe there is enough data to come up with a sure fire PCT that is guaranteed to make everyone recover fully, every time. Some, or many, fail to make a full recovery despite following standard bro-telligent PCT plans. There is hardly even close to a concensus on which drugs a PCT should employ. Should you use an AI or not? When using HCG what dosages should you use and how long and when (during or after)? And etc.

I think it's a mistake thinking a "PCT" is a guarantee for full, immediate recovery.
