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Im about to start a cycle of clen. Itll be my first. I just took a picture of myself and Im wondering if Ill get cut from the present stage Im at. I plan to run a normal cycle 2 weeks on 2 weeks off while using an eca in the off weeks. Also Im gonna keep my protien up, and take in a moderate/low amount of carbs. Any suggestions def welcomed. Everyones always helped me alot

Eminent Member
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Posts: 31

Don't put so much into the clen cycle. Cutting is all about diet and cardio. Clen is just a little " kicker " to the process. Your diet needs to be clean and strict. I use half my bodyweight in grams of carbs because a low carb diet makes me feel like shit. I can't lift or even have the urge to do a damn thing. I double my grams of protein for my bodyweight. Cardio twice, sometimes 3 times a day. The clen cycle will only work if the diet and cardio routine are the way they need to be.

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yep i agree with wedge. clen will kick the process up a notch, just keep your focus on the diet and cardio, and then the clen will do its thing

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I agree with Wedge on this bro.. Diet and Cardio will be the most important part of the plan. Oh, sure, the Clen will help with the cut up, but it is only there to assist you.
It is hard to tell your overall muscle mass in those pics. You may be better off doing a bulker first then a cutter.. Just my 0.2


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hey guys cmon... Im not a full blown idiot.. Ive done some research. I eat a pretty damn clean diet. Atleast now that the holidays are over. Lots of chicken breast. I bought like 5 pounds yesterday. Tuna but not too much. I have turkey bugers that I snack on every now and then, Ill be honest. I get my veggies, I drink lots of water. Also Im gonna start my cardio back up. When Im at school Im alot more focused on things so I get cardio in 30 minutes 4-5 times a week. But I might as well up it. Also I JUST went out and bought FLAX seed oil.. Shits expensive but what can I do. I have my protien up as well.. about 2g/lb. Which I get alot from chicken and steak, and I have shakes to fill in. Like I said any pointers will help. Thanks for the quick responses

and for the pics.. yeah theyre kinda shitty.. they arent doing me justice.

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we never said that you were a full blown idiot, you wanted suggestions and we gave you suggestions

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No I understand.. I appreciate everyones input, I just want you to know Ive done some research and have a basic knowledge, you could say, on it. This is the cycle Im running.

Day1: 20mcg
Day2: 40mcg
Day3: 60mcg
Day4: 80mcg
Day5: 80mcg(Note: Increase the dose only when the side effects are tolerable)
Day6-Day12: 100mcg
Day13: 80 mcg (Tapering is not necessary, but it helps some users get back to
normal gradually)
Day14: 60 mcgs
Day15: off
Day16: off
Day 17: ECA/ NYC stack
