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slimmin down

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Any of you guys have good tips or exercise plans on lossing fat fast?

Steel Reserves
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Cut your carbs way down,watch your fat intake, and hit the cardio 3-4 times a week. If you want to take a metabolism booster try hydroxycut, xenadrine, or ripped fuel.

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do your cardio in the A.M before you eat anything. Lower your carb intake and only get it from quality foods. Increase your protein intake. If you havent already start a training program, you'll burn more calories lifting then doing cardio.;)

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I'm on a good training program but i just want to develop better stomach fetures and develop more noticable cuts.;) What is a typical liftin week for you guys like?

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cut starchy carbs after 6 andup cardio dont know how big you ant to be but if you just want abs then stick with cardio

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yeah i'm 175 wich is deffintly small to you guys but I'm 175 pound 15 year old but all I really want to do is get cut up for the summer and prepare for the show that i'm doin in July, Thanx for the advice though Ill try it.

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All excellent points.......replace the bad fats for good fats, esp. flax seed oil!

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175 is big for me at 15yo ..when i was that age i was 112 lb wrestler(still managed 235 on the bench) so you got a good baser and an early start both of wich will help you

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Yeah I started a year ago at 150 pounds then did cardio everyday along with doing every muscel everyother day which gave me a foundation then went on a one body part a day program and then after that gained 30 pounds the following year. But since the show coming up in July i really want to try to cut down to like 155 pounds but all fat so that i could look like im 170 with a body fat of say 9 or 8. and shit dude 112 pounds benching 235 thats insane strenth, I only bench 205 now.

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just cause i wrestled at 112 doesnt mean i wieghed that much my natural wieght was around 120

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Oh ok Man, I really don't know about weight classes and shit like that about wrestling. I would love to wrestel its just that lifting takes up a majoritie of my time. But still benching 235 at what ever weight you where man thats fuckin awsome. You got some real good streangth man I can't even imagine what you do now. Your probaly a freak and a half and thats the level that I went to get to. Well catch cha later bro.

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wrestling did set me back but i still have always followed a bodybuilding regimn good luck and keep it natty

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if you want to get ripped fast, do a keto diet, it works fast as fuck, ive lost as much as 10 lbs in as little as 6 days.its been 2 months and ive lost a total of 45 lbs.
i did this with just weight training and the keto diet, no cardio,eca or clen. just diet and weight training.

basically the only things you can eat are any type of meat, my favorites being shrimp(use sparingly due to the cholesterol),steak, pink salmon, and all time favorite chicken wings with hot sauce...

you can eat some things you might like but without the bread, like maybe 2 tbspns of peanut butter a day, or several tablespoons of philadelphia cream cheese, a few ounces of cashews or peanuts..

the only fruits you can have are berries, such as strawberries, raspberries or blackberries since they are low in carb.

and drink lots of water throughout the day..

so basically the diet is just no carbs and a good amount of protein and fat, if you want to know more about the diet, get lyle mcdonalds "ketogenic diet", pm me and i can get it for ya.

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Try a CKD....Cyclical Ketogenic Diet. Ive been on it since May 8 and I have gone from 236- 225. My strength has actually gone up and my workouts have been ferocious. I'm already more defined at 225 then I was last year at 215 following a regular low carb/low fat diet. Run a search for CKD.

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if youre a sugar addict like myself than cutting carbs will wreak havoc on your mood and overall well being. In that case cut overall calories and make sure you ingest high amounts of fiber and good fats such as flax, cla and mcts......I dropped 15lb's in 6 weeks recently with that formula.

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