Meal Replacement Sh...
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Meal Replacement Shakes

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I've spent a fortune over the last four years on MRPs. I've also bought a lot 5lb protein jugs. Is it worth to even buy MRPs anymore? I take multis and eat ok.

Thanks for your opinions!

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Hey Piola,

I think you shoud eat well and stick with the 5lb jugs. Ok, thanks Piola! No problem Piola!

Sorry, I couldn't resist.

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The only time that it would be better to have a meal in liquid form than solid is the post workout meal. I think it would be a good idea to get some whey potein ( you could get 5 lbs. for like $35) to drink post work out. You also need carbs post workout....get some dextrose.If you can get every other meal in solid form than that would be better than drinking mrp.

Another idea is for you to purchase prolab's N-Large2(I love this stuff) If you are bulking take the full 4 scoops post workout, if your cutting take only 2 in water.

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Thanks Jeppuda! How many servings come in the N-Large2 and whats the cost?

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10 lbs. of it is about $40. its 30 servings if you use the full 4 scoops.

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Sounds good! There's probably about 1000 cals and 50 gs of protein per serving too eh?

Thanks and take care bro!

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P... I read a magazine article about this wonderful new, cutting edge, innovative product called lard. Yeah the article said that 2 to 3 scoops of lard 2 to 3 times a day was guarenteed to put serious mass on. They say that lard has several anti-catabolic properties to it as well. Call me crazy but i truely feel that lard has been the key to me getting the physique that Ive always wanted!!! give it a try for 30 days and tell me how you feel. later my friend!

( just kidding bro.....nothing in this post should be taken literally!!!!)


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Hey bro, would that turn me into a lard ass?

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N-Large 2 has 600 cals and 52g protein (not including the milk you mix in). I'm new to it and would recommend it. It tastes great!

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N-large is great!Also,as a reminder,even the most expensive mrp is usaully cheaper than regular food.I'm not saying to only drink your meals,but many people who go to B.k. for lunch can blow 5-10 dollars easily.When my wife complains about all the shakes I buy,I just remind her that if I don't buy the shakes I'll just have to buy MORE solid food which will cost 2-3 times as much,then she quiets down!

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So I found a pretty good deal on I bought a couple of SERIOUS MASS CHOC 12 LBS (copied from order form). The price was only $28.19. Not bad eh? It looks like it has about 1200 cals and 50gs of protein. Let me know if you or anyone you know has tried this.

Thanks for the responses and you certainly brought up some good points. I'll probably end up doing a little BK along the way too (^: While clean eating is good, enough calories is dire!

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Hey piola, sorry I didn't answer your post b4 (anyway its already answered)

That MASS CHOC sounds good. Try not to eat too much fast food. You can get big eating better foods. For example, a steak, a potatoe and a salad(you need fiber to keep everthing working)
will get you big. Salmon is good for mass also.

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Thanks Jeppuda! I wish I could stomach fish. Unfortunately, I can baregly gag down tuna. Oh well!

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One more idea. Get the George Forman grill. One of the best inventions ever. Cook some hamburgers, or grilled chicken (preferably hamburgers when buking. You have to eat beef)
Just as cheap as Burger King, but better quality food. I use mine almost every day.

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My buddy has one and he loves it! Great suggestion!
