Welcome to our new board, 100% secure and off-shore.
How do I pm
looks good, thanks for creating
The king has arrived.
How do we know we're safe from the devils of the government
Because this server is untouchable, it's in Panama.
lol @ 100% secure.
Great Forum. Nice to be here.
Followed suit after the forums I frequented went down. Went by kh496f but got tired of the combination of awkward letters and numbers. Definitely glad to be here.
great site!
Ahhh Nothing like feeling safe. I say fuck safe, time to feel like superman again!!!
Nice to be here.. new house
Welcome to our new board, 100% secure and off-shore.
How do we know we're safe from the devils of the government
Because this server is untouchable, it's in Panama.
lol @ 100% secure.
^^^ All this has been logged into the NSA database 😉
What was the date IM changed and this became the SHIT I been on Vacation and come back and its all changed,I feel like this is The Twilight Zone.Are the usual guys here from IM. other then that I like the off shore stuff... sounds good..