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Official Axiolabs Website

All the products I used were Axiolabs brand. They included: Methanoplex, Stanoplex, Proviroplex, Tamoxiplex, Clomiplex, T3 and Clenbutaplex.

All products from this order were great quality. I was really surprised by the hardness and vascularity I got once I introduced proviroplex into my cycle, definitely a compound that doesn't get enough credit in my opinion.

I love running Dbol to start my cycle and nothing but the best with the Axio methanoplex. I ran the t3 and clen towards the end of my cut, and it had me the leanest I've ever been by the end of the first week of running it. The clen was very potent, so users beware, I took two tabs one day and my hands would shake like crazy throughout most the day. Overall very satisfied with the quality of products.

I will continue to use Axiolabs for all my gear needs and would recommend them to anyone looking for quality products.

Here is a list of websites where you can order legit Axiolabs products:

This topic was modified 3 years ago by admin

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This is a review for Axio Axotropin HGH they carry. I have used this hgh for probably around 18 months and i have always been very happy with the product.

I have used this hgh for a long period of time. longer than a year. hgh isnt something like test you can blast really quick and get noticeable results. but over the course of my hgh use, i have been able to put on noticeable size, and stay far leaner in the off season that i have previously. i am currently in the middle of my offseason and i am the largerst and leanest i have ever been. a big chunk of that is diet but the HGH has helped me remain lean. my sleep is greatly improved. i cant afford to run super high doses of hgh, but i have been on 5iu daily consistently for a long time, switching from pharma to these Axotropins i really havnt noticed a huge difference.

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Product quality of Axio anavar (oxandroplex) is the best I've had in my opinion. I usually take 50mg a day for 12 wks. I use this as my bridge cycle. My results are above my expectations and I couldn't be more satisfied. This Var cuts me up perfectly and this decreases body fat.

Phosphate Bond
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Legit Var (Oxandroplex). My girl ran this 10mg ED and she was happy with the results. She did complain of some acid reflux but once she took it with food it no longer was a problem. This var really did help her tone up, not to mention it boosted her libido (!!!).

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Currently been on cycle for four Weeks 250Mg test 2x a week, cycle is 12 weeks, ai, pct is in place will use at its point in time. Strength is going up the test E is kicking in finally doing things right though next cycle ill use a kickstart. 4iu Axotropin hgh 2iu morning/2iu evening hgh is the mother of all sleep therapy pills. I used to have trouble going to sleep had prescription sleeping pills/relaxant they worked, but not that great. Enter the world of gh on the first night I was already in the fetal position sleeping like a baby. Im off the prescription now & doing way better with my sleep. Sleeping issues are gone, skin is looking tighter can't wait to see how i'll look & feel in 6 months on gh can't wait for the fat loss to kick in.

Have 10 Axotropin kits on the way can't wait to put those little suckers in my fridge 🙂

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Testaplex S 100

Just started using last week, but obviously you can tell if this stuff is good from day one. Good, clear oil, no pip, even though I have used the same couple of sites repeatedly. Strong smell from vial and nearly instant taste in mouth after use. Start getting warm about 20 minutes later and haul balls for the next 5 or so hours.

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I ran the dbol (methanoplex) at 30mg for 20 days and it worked exactly like it was supposed to. Back pumps are always what i notice most when i take dbol, but the bloat was also there as well as some strength boost.

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Ok I'm on the Trenaplex Ace and Testaplex P it is fire

I am starting my 5th week I am up 11lbs and lean my bench, squat and DL are all way past my personal best. I get cramps when I go real hard in whatever muscle I'm working I love it got my attitude going off the chain along with the dreams loss of sleep and night sweats. I do have to add though there is a slight sting when I pull out the pin using this gear not sure what it is from but it only last say 30 seconds or less totally manageable

I was a little hesitant to run a cut cycle in Dec but I have a training I need to go to for my job in Feb that I want to look great for and this is really going to do it.

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Been ordering a lot of orals now that I have TRT script, to include oxyplex and clenbutaplex. The clen is very strong, which is what I expected as it has always given me the indicator signs. The oxyplex are super legit, causing some serious strength and weight gains, even on half a gram of test a week.

Been using Axiolabs and the similar products for years now, and this most recent order has not been anything different in terms of quality. Absolutely the best!
