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A Diff. ? for legs

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Hey guys I know theres a lot of questions about legs, but mine is a little different and quite simple. I just want to know what you guys do on leg days. My usual routine would include either squat, hack squat, or leg press as a base with at least 4-5 heavy sets. Then finish up with leg extensions and curls. I do legs once a week and always get a good pump, but I want something that'll leave me damn near crippled lol. Should I use combinations of the base exercises or throw in all three? Of course I will appreciate any advice you guys can spare.

Oh yea another quick question. I've been wanting to put power cleans some where in my routine also, but I'm not sure where. Anyway enough of my rambling, heres my schedule so you guys have an idea:

Tues: chest
Wed: back
Thurs: shoulders
Fri: legs
Sat: bis & tris
Sun & Mon: rest

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30 to 60 seconds rest between all sets. Hit the treadmill for 5 minutes or so to get some blood flowing..... then go........

Leg extensions 4 sets of 20
Leg curls 4 sets of 20
Squats 4 sets of 20
Leg Press 4 sets of 20
Calve exercise of your choosing....
and if you'd like, finish it off with stiff legged deads......

Let me know how fun it is to walk down a flight of stairs after that.... 😀

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Oh hell yea! Talk about fun. Good ole T-spine, thanks again for your advice. I wish I would've checked here before I did legs last night, but I'm gonna give this a run next week. Honestly I've never thought about hitting extensions and curls before squat and leg press, so maybe this will be a good change of pace. Thanks again bro, can't tell you how much I really appreciate your advice.

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throw in some stiff leg deadlifts for your hamstrings. when you try leg extensions try to lift your legs of the seat for an even better pump.

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Defietly throw some stiff deadlifts in there, you have seriously not been giving your hams enough work. That will proably kill the legs just from that.

I you want to try something hard though do this
1 set of squats for 20reps with your 10rep max. You may have to stand for 10seconds in between some of the reps but its a real bitch.

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Originally posted by darko

I you want to try something hard though do this
1 set of squats for 20reps with your 10rep max. You may have to stand for 10seconds in between some of the reps but its a real bitch.

If you can do 20 with your 10 rep max, then it isn't your 10 rep max...... That tells you that you aren't training as hard as you should be..... More going thru the motions.....

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Titan I am not going to get in an argument ith you about this, but it was in the last EAS sport supplement review. The training programs were put together by Paval Tsatsouline and he was saying to use your 10 reps max, and get 20. I am just through forth ideas, I have tried it and its tough. You end up resting durring thoose last 10 at the top of your reps and it is not "just going through the motions".

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Just want to say that I can admit when I am wrong. I went home and checked the book. You should be able to get 20reps with your 5rep max after 2 months of doign 1 set of 20rep squats twice per week. To figure out how much for the first workout plan to add 5lbs per workout and if there are 15 workouts in two months on this particular program that would be 75lbs. So subtract that from your current 5repmax and that is your starting weight.

Sorry Titaniumspine if I seemed pissy as I thought I was on the money with this one.

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No offense taken..... I certainly don't know everything, and do make errors, as do we all.... I was simply referring to the fact that I see many people workout fairly heavy at the gym, but they really aren't going 110%, so they can get "a few more reps" that they didn't think they could, if they have the right motivation.... When I talk about reps to failure... I mean that's it.... I got a gun to yo momma's head, and I'm pulling the trigger if you can't get that bar up again.... and bang.... yo momma's head be all over the mirror cuz you couldn't..... 😉

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See now thats what I'm talkin about T-spine. Thats how hard I want to hit my legs each week. I'm gonna give that routine you suggested a go tomorrow, but I just have one more question. I usually hit the stationary bike after I do legs for at least 20mins just to loosen up. Its not balls to the wall, but it seems to help me out when it comes to being sore the next few days. I guess I got used to that from running track in high school right after we'd lift in off season football, but does it really matter if I do or don't? Its just something I've always done, but I want to make sure I'm not doing something wrong.
