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Doin Time!!

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Well guys Ive posted before and the majority of the vets on the site know my cousin and have had great advice from everyone and do appreciate it. So heres a real question for you.... as you suggested I am going to be still going all natural but I got a D.U.I. o.k. a few.(my Mom passed away a few months ago and I just said F it)so anyways I have to go and do about six months in a work release program and I will get out to go to school and work but I dont know if Ill be able to get into the gym at school while Im there so without the time that Im used to spending is there any way to keep gaining while Im locked up?
Im 6'2 and 190 lbs (I keep going between 180 and 200) Can I at least get a steady weight? 200 would be nice to keep! Thanks!!! :beer

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Let me tell you as a former Correctional Officer. Can you gain? Yes! BUT you're gonna have to by trays off other inmates. If I were you just maintain what you have. And since your on work release you can eat big when your out.
More then likely you wont be able to life on work release. Because by the time you get back to jail evey night recreation should be done.So try at school. If ya cant life push ups; dips calf raises on stairs and squat your own body weight.

Good Luck. Oh and from experiance DO NOT let anyone punk you out and take anyhting from you. Or else it's gonna be a long 6 months.

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Good Luck. Oh and from experiance DO NOT let anyone punk you out and take anyhting from you. Or else it's gonna be a long 6 months.
I spent 2 years down state, are you staying in the county or going down state to get a number??? I ask cause the mental aspect of both are completely different. What Doug said is very important. Oh, btw, why not offered house arrest, you should have told them you would do a year house arrest in place of the time, unless they had there heart set on prison!! PM me if you need any help with anything, make sure you turn yoursel;f in with some $$$ to go on your books-wheelz

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Thanks for the input guys but Ive been in before and it is only the county and I will be eating every day before I go back in everyday so Ill be cool on the food part and also Ill have plenty of money on my books but by the way doug I know a few deputys but thats all we got at our county jail but if I ever do go to the joint Ill let you know so you can hook me up with a couple C.O.'s
Just kidding Im not planning on going to the joint unless that bitch next door doesnt shut up her F@#%@! DOG!!!!

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what's up gearj.r. ,
couple of pointers for you this goes for county or state.mind your buisness,never do favors or ask for favors and finally don't act like a tough untill you have to or unless your gonna put your money where your mouth is.I did 2 yrs up state
for ag assault when i was 18 got out when i was 20 judge gave me a 2-5 finally gettin of parole in march!!!! liftin weights and bodybuilding changed my life.your time should go fast do your time and nevr go will be alright good luck bro

