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getting my wife into the gym

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sorry if its too long......ive always been a musclehead but ive just never looked at how a woman trains. now my wife is 26yrs old with two kids already, she is about 5'6 at 135lbs right now. she has a normal body, Bcup breasts and an avg behind and i guess a flabby belly. NO big thighs or butt by anymeans, just normal. now she is overweight right now because she and myself have tried to get her to get bigger by eating, by that i mean bigger butt and thighs. DIDNT WORK. now i guess my question is, can a woman's butt get bigger by lifting??? we know she responds well to excercise because about a year ago she started walking around a park just a couple of of laps around and in about 3weeks her legs and butt were completely gone.....she lost some weight but she isint looking at getting thin, so she stopped. she wants to join the gym but she wants to et bigger and of course loose some belly. how is she suppose to train??? i really dont want to tell her to do something im not sure of and the "trainers" at my gym are far from that, its a small town with a small gym.

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Hell yes she can. The girl needs to be doing squats! From what you've said she loses fat easy. If I were training her I would not be focused on cardio. I'd train her legs seriously twice a week. Squats, leg press, lunges, standing curls, step ups (stepping up onto a bench holding DB's alternating legs)

Building more muscle in her legs is going to help her burn that small amount of extra fat she has. As for her diet...don't try to give her size by packing food into her. You're only going to make her fat doing that. Give her quality food that her muscles can use to grow.

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There are several attractive ladys who run around the gym I frequent who are pretty serious about their training, to include legs. They have great legs and butts!! So like T mentioned I'd go with a good round of leg training. Training legs heavy can suck when you are by yourself. If you can provide her the motivation to get through a month of solid training. I'm willing to bet she will begin to see changes in the first month. Good luck!:lift

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build up her glute muscles not fat. thats what a nice ass is made of.

my wifes been working out with me for a little while now and is devloping a cute bubble butt.

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build up her glute muscles not fat. thats what a nice ass is made of.

my wifes been working out with me for a little while now and is devloping a cute bubble butt.


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oh no you wont! lol

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Yes you can, my wife had a flattie when I met her, I had her double her squats in a week (2 sessions) and it has been helping over the past 2 years, she is now getting a roundie little bubble.

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I just love when some of the women are doing leg curls and I'm doing extensions. The machines are right next to each other. I always find myself doing an extra set or two when Nitro's wife is working them. J/K bro... I love a nice little bubble butt.

T- is right on..Even the glute machine works nicely.

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Even the glute machine works nicely.

As does my tongue! Woo hoo!!! :boobs

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yeah ive been thinking of having her work out her legs with me and then again by herself cause i only work legs once a week. so is she suppose to be lifting heavy?? 6/8 reps? also, she is obviously gonna work out the rest of her body, how many reps is good enough?? 12/13 or around 16/18, and sets?? she is scared of bulking up because her arms got pretty big with the weight she put on and she know she shouldnt do much cardio in order to gain size on her lower body. im trying to post a pic but she is kind of shy and isint too comfortable with me posting a pic of her in a bikinin. thanks !!

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I dont know how u guys do it but when training with a past gf etc i could never train hard as i was always worried about how their form is etc. Ive told myself if i ever bring a gf in gym with me she can concentrate on cardio while i lift, lol. Then also the ex would keep faqqin telling me "im hungry can we go eat" grrrrrrrrrrrrrr........

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yeah ive been thinking of having her work out her legs with me and then again by herself cause i only work legs once a week. so is she suppose to be lifting heavy?? 6/8 reps? also, she is obviously gonna work out the rest of her body, how many reps is good enough?? 12/13 or around 16/18, and sets?? she is scared of bulking up because her arms got pretty big with the weight she put on and she know she shouldnt do much cardio in order to gain size on her lower body. im trying to post a pic but she is kind of shy and isint too comfortable with me posting a pic of her in a bikinin. thanks !!

As tempting as it is you should not train a woman like a man. I would still keep her lower body reps in the 15 - 20 range. Legs are a giant muscle. They need the reps to work them right. If her upper body grows as fast as you say then I would be training her upper body as a whole and not break it up. Very light weight, giant sets, no rest in between sets. Do not worry about over training her upper body.

Again, she is not trying to be a guy.

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i see i see........i was thinking of doing that too, the entire upper body in a single day without going too hard on a single muscle, just plenty of reps and maybe two sets per muscle. and just rotate excercise each week. thanx for your help.

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and you should squeeze her boobs two or three times a day too.

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and you should squeeze her boobs two or three times a day too.

T it would seem you would be best served if you went to craigs list and found you a "special friend" to help you relax. Don't worry, she doesn't have to speak english...

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