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Hi everyone... looking forward to talking and hearing stories as well as advice.
I started training with my buddy on the 1st of february and am already feeling great. I started out at 6'5" and 340 lbs. We started off 4 days a week to knock off most of the fat and i have already lost 25lbs.
We are now on the 5 days a week program and i am seeing muscles i didn't know i had.
My question for all of you is what was the hardest habbit to break...
for me it was giving up the soda pop that i had become so accustomed to and as my training partner says.... WATER,WATER,WATER!

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Welcome to AZ!!! Glad to see your training hard.

Hardest habit to break? Pizzaaaaaaaaa!!!

I still have it on my cheat days but its difficult not having it three times a week!!!

25 pound loss is good going. Wish I could gain that in lean mass.

Train hard, train heavy.


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Welcome and congratulations!

I do not want to burst your bubble, but at some point you will start overtraining. I am not telling you this so that you change what you do, but so that you do not get disenhearted and quit. At that time, the freaks will be there for you and help go through it.

By the way, I am a 6ft 4in mesomorph, started with a 5-day routine, 90min sessions and was overtrained within the first 2 months.

So, keep your eyes open.

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hardest habit to break?

Chocolate ice cream!

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why don't you drink diet pop. Tastes pretty decent to me. I don't have a problem with sweets. but I know for pizza you can down a protein shake with a lot of olive oil in it to satisfy your fat craving. this will give you a satisfied feeling.

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I'm with Wheelz... BEER

Steel Reserves
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6'5" and over 300lbs, christ your a frigging mountain!! lol. Welcome to AZ 🙂

Hardest habit would definetly be a coin toss between beer and sweets.


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Hey bro Welcome to AZ and congrats on your already current weightloss, keep training hard and you'll see even more muscles you didnt know were there. Hardest habit for me was probably like pizza and cheeseburgers, not really sure. I just bought low carb ice cream, so I can have some of that considering I'm on atkins and have lost 25 plus now. Again welcome bro and keep on keeping on 🙂

Hey Ape1821, whats your idea of overtraining? Just curious bro what you exactly mean.

iroc swole
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alcohol of any kind, beer or liquor. drinking used to be fun. now when i see a bottle of tequila im look at it for a minute thinking "one shot wont hurt" then i realize, one wont do a damn thing and ill end up taking 8 or 9 so i keep away.

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That all depends on what your habits are but Im guessin from your size you got a few bad ones.. LOL welcome to the club lucky for you ... You have yhe foundation to be a true freak of nature... Hell you can leave nature behind and go to tye next level... You have chosen a great board and a good habit keep hitting the gym and getting rid of the fat once your not a fats ass anymore well help you put on the freaked out muscles we all wish for!!!

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Congrats on the loss, bro. Keep setting your goals high, and bust dat azz to meet them. My hardest habit to break was having sex w/ a chick on the leg curl machine. It really started to interfere w/ my gym time.

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harest habit to break?... um, I was supposed to break a habit?
damn, I knew I was missing something.

Anyway, losing 25LB is good stuff... congrats. Keep doing what you're doing for now... until you notice your losses begin to dwindle.. then it's time to change up your training program a bit.

Good luck,
