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Who is the greatest natural bodybuilder of all time?

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Who is the greatest natural bodybuilder of all time in terms of mass?

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depends upon the organization, what you consider 'natural' etc. Are you talking about no prohormones, in a very strict organization?

Limitations are for people that have them and excuses are for people that need them.

"Per Ferrum, ad astra"... Through iron, the stars
- Mel Siff

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No prohormones, irrespective of the organisation. Whatever you consider natural I guess.

The motivation behind the question was not so much on the end result, but the most progress that a person has made without androgens/GH/etc.


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Some of the best that come to mind are

Rob Hope
Chet Yorton (old school)
Ben Tennesen
Nigel Davis
Dave Goodin

those come to mind at this point

Limitations are for people that have them and excuses are for people that need them.

"Per Ferrum, ad astra"... Through iron, the stars
- Mel Siff

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Whatever happened to Mike Ashley ?

He was the big story of the late 80's because he claimed to be all natural, and it supposedly proved that bbers don't need steroids (like the '90 Olympia did)

Anyone know anything ?

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I would be suprised if Mike Ashley was natural.

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Posted by: @velikimajmun

Chuck Norris ...although Dave Goodin is definitely a close 2nd, he's a monster.

- Fletch

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Posted by: @str8flexed
Some of the best that come to mind are

Rob Hope
Chet Yorton (old school)
Ben Tennesen
Nigel Davis
Dave Goodin

Pretty much summed it up Layne.

As the thread origonator stated best in terms of mass.......

I'm thinking Rob v Ben with Rob probably winning.....

Overall i'd have to say Nigel Davis

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I am a big (although I just became aware of him a few months ago) fan of Ben Tennessen. Although I would like to think that my training style should make me look like Marcus Ruhl (just a few more years maybe....just kidding), I can look at Ben's physique and believe that it is real. I'll go a step further and say that I would be proud to have his physique. Your thought might be "No shit, who wouldn't like to look like that", but there are many natural competitor's physiques that I can appreciate and give credit to, but wouldn't choose over my own.


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Does anyone know Ben's stats? Age, height, competitive & offseason weights, measurements, etc.? Trust me, I know that bodybuilding is about MUCH more than numbers, but I'm just curious.

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i believe ben is 5'8" and 202 at contest


Limitations are for people that have them and excuses are for people that need them.

"Per Ferrum, ad astra"... Through iron, the stars
- Mel Siff

Bitch smacking pseudo-scientists since 2010.
