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A cycle for my father

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Steel Reserves
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My father is in his late 50's and is in very good shape. He's been working out solid for a little over a year, 5'7"or so and bout 215lbs. He's been very interested in starting his first cycle. He wants to keep it simple, get stronger, and keep some form too so I recommended this 10 weeker,


Would it be a must to run Arimidex with this cycle, or would it be more of a "better safe than sorry" type of thing? There'll be a standard clomid pct.


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A man his age or any age for that matter should run Liquidex/Arimi for the bloat disapation qualities and the reduction that brings in blood pressure. Anti-estrogen may or may not be a problem, but be careful on his blood pressure.

I see no problem with your plan, safe and small. Easing him into the world of AAS is a good plan. I would cut the EQ to 250mgs per week as having more test in him is a plus...and one he will enjoy. 😉

Keep him away from any orals such as D-bol or drol. No since in pushing it....

Prolly a very good idea to have a good physical done before beginning and have a full line of blood work done as a good baseline should something happen during his cycle. Have a prostrate exam during his physical as it may swell.

Lay him out a solid plan of super-hydration, get him drinking a ton of water before he starts as this is very important while on, and some need time getting used to all the water intake. I try to drink water at the top of every hour as a set routine, and soon one forgets the problem as it becomes a habit.

Please keep us informed of his progress, and best of luck to him

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At his age he should look into HRT.. family doc set me up.. took a few months to get things the way I wanted but it was worth the hassle.
Just to get the regular blood work and be able to travel and legally have gear with you..

It's going to take him a long time to recover and he will feel the differance once he gets off cycle.. I'd through a HCG in the last couple of weeks to get things going before starting PCT..

Has your pop been educating himself on his own or is he using you for info?

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Solid advice always

Steel Reserves
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Thanks for the input guy's:)

Slam-I'll defenitly tell him to get some blood work done an shit, sounds like a good idea. And we'll tweak the dosages like you said.

Ironman-Intersting idea with a HRT. I'll tell him to ask his doc about it, sounds cool. And yeah, he's been relying more on my input.


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I have plenty of info here on TRT/ up on it.....Ironman is a wealth of info and I am on TRT as well....feel free to inquire.

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Here's a link top a questionier about low test.. tell dad to study up so he knows what to tell the doc..

Steel Reserves
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Thanks again guys, I'll have him edumicate himself;)


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In my opinion, anyone that takes supplements should have blood work done at least twice a year. Again, that is my opinion. Take care of yourself and learn.

Steel Reserves
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Thanks Big Lou. You kinda dragged this thread up from the past a little bit but still good advice. Someone new may benefit from it. As for my father I'm afraid he got cold feet and never started the cycle. He still lifts regularly but has opted to stay natural. Well you know what they say...this game ain't for everyone.

