Last seen: Dec 24, 2022
im all about some new chicken recipes
id recommend 3 days a week cardio for 15 to 30 minuteslook up the keto diet its greatsupplements id suggestECA STACKwinnyclenprimobolanparabolanbeing ...
i have cooked a ton of potatoes in my days in the microwavemy microwave actually comes equiped with a potatoe cooking optionand it says to flip half w...
stay low glycemic as far as your carbsi like yams oatmeal lentils spinach especially yamscant get enuff of em
im a can mani drain and eat stuff out of a can....its still all good to me....even tuna which people usually hate plain out of a can
ill give it a try once i can afford all that chicken
didnt mean to get ya mixed up you know and welcome aboard and do stop and visit us here oftenl8ter
drop me an email if you get this messageneed to know if you are caught up
havent really tried it but would love tooi have yet to hear a single bad thing about deca americaand a ton of good things i have heard about it
i would do all threei would recommend winny tabs if you could get them a lot of big bros say they are good and you can avoid the painful injectionspea...
a fellow big bro once told me best"its all or nothing"why put something harmful into your system when you are trying to build your body into a powerho...