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Dutasteride Usage While On And Off Cycle

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I used Dutasteride for several months a couple years back to deal with my MPB and I'm considering using it again.I dropped it as I ran out of extra cash and my insurance wouldn't cover it,since then I've simply taken to shaving my head with a razor,along with my face every 2 days or so.I used it for a short period of only a few months and hair loss didn;t slow down or anything,but that doesn;t imply it wouldn't have if I had continued dosing it e/d for a few more months.

I'm now at the point where if I don't do something soon,I'll be bic'ing my head for the remainder of my natural life,which is not very enticing.

I am about to embark on a cycle of tet E+aromasin and plan to rinse and repeat a few times,possibly adding either var or MOHN down the line.After some time(however long it takes to drop 25 pounds)I plan to run Test-E'>test e in legit HRT dosages as I really don't want to mess with harsher steroids too long for plenty of good reason.

Dutasteride would be spot on,if it actually worked topically,which is up in the air.

So I'm leaning towards dutasteride orally along with topical minox (and generous oraldosing of diagrinine-malate and catopril as I'm using both anyway) but considering the steroid usage,I am unsure if the reduction in DHT will be decreased enough.I surmise that this very well may be a ridiculously inane and very poorly conceived idea but this is a last ditch effort

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Test and other roids have direct effect on the scalp sinse they still got affinity with androgen receptors....donīt waist your time taking systemic durasteride......take it topycally along with your mixodil and it should help.....

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dan,what do you make of topical dut?

Is it as effective (in theory anyway) as oral Dutasteride?

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well i donīt really know if it wil be more effective than oral as i never used nisoral shampoo should do some good and rogaine should prevent any hair loss anyways. what i know is that iīt not worth loosing dht effects on CNS , aromatise, fat tissues and other tissues to maybe prevent some hair loss wich can be much better prevented with rogaine.

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Posted by: @SupremeDan
what i know is that iīt not worth loosing dht effects on CNS , aromatise, fat tissues and other tissues to maybe prevent some hair loss wich can be much better prevented with rogaine.

I am unsure about that as minoxidil has not worked for me in the past.There hasn't been a single study on topical dutasteride,it seems.

So I'm leaning towards minoxidil/azelic acid topically and dutasteride orally to cover all MPB bases,as I clearly need to cover all the bases.

What I'm trying to clarify is wether or not dutasteride will be as effective on the scalp in spite of androgen (test E) usage or wether test/aromasin will skyrocket DHT levels leaving dutasteride powerless to deal with hair loss.

I understand that there will some drop off in body comp from the reduction in systematcic DHT but I don't mind that if I can still see *most* of the benefits from my test/aromasin cycle WRT increased metabolism,strength/recovery.

I'd really appreciate your advice on this,Dan.


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Posted by: @Colin

What I'm trying to clarify is wether or not dutasteride will be as effective on the scalp in spite of androgen (test E) usage or wether test/aromasin will skyrocket DHT levels leaving dutasteride powerless to deal with hair loss.

it wil probabably reduce some dht actvitie but not enought to prevent hair loss.

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Posted by: @SupremeDan
it wil probabably reduce some dht actvitie but not enought to prevent hair loss.

Dan - no offense but why are you replying to this thread when you have clearly done no research, much less any personal experimentation???

Colin - please dont listen to Dan.

dutasteride eliminates ~95% of systemic DHT when administered orally @ .5mg ED. this includes the DHT produced in the scalp and prostate (thus why dutas is used for BPH and MPB sufferers)

your plan to use test+aromasin+dutas for a hairline-friendly cycle is a great fact, i had the same idea several months ago, before i started my current cycle, which is precisely that (well, plus a low-dose EQ and a SD kickstart)....i ran a very similar cycle last time and it went well, all around. no hairloss and very good gains.

8 weeks into this one and i have the same news to report. i am MPB-prone for sure - slight temple recession, kicked off by a 6-week 1ad/4ad cycle in 2004 and several other cycles after that that included a strong androgen.

you will probably first and foremost notice on a test+5AR inhibitor cycle that libido isnt quite as insane as with unreduced test cycles. it's still good to go, for me, but not like regular test. i have not personally noticed a decrease in strength gains, but i suspect one is possible. ditto for vascularity, but the low dose EQ helps that a lot (A LOT!!!)...on the plus side, there's virtually NO aggression increase and alot less acne.

if you have more specific questions about MPB-friendly cycles, lemme know.

PS, keep the Anavar dose low...more than 50 or 60mg a day and i noticed scalp itchiness, which for me means imminent hairloss.

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I'm strictly a TRT guy so I have no data regarding dutasteride and an AAS cycle. But, perhaps my experience can be helpful.

I've been on dutasteride (0.5mg, ED) since it hit the market to prevent MPB. This dosage keeps my DHT down in the single digits. I began TRT with Cyp in '03 and am currently on 80mg/week. This keeps my total T in the mid 800's. (Quest range=260-1000) DHT remains in single digits (approx. 6)

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Posted by: @thebrakes
Dan - no offense but why are you replying to this thread when you have clearly done no research, much less any personal experimentation???

Colin - please dont listen to Dan.

dutasteride eliminates ~95% of systemic DHT when administered orally @ .5mg ED. this includes the DHT produced in the scalp and prostate (thus why dutas is used for BPH and MPB sufferers)

your plan to use test+aromasin+dutas for a hairline-friendly cycle is a great fact, i had the same idea several months ago, before i started my current cycle, which is precisely that (well, plus a low-dose EQ and a SD kickstart)....i ran a very similar cycle last time and it went well, all around. no hairloss and very good gains.

8 weeks into this one and i have the same news to report. i am MPB-prone for sure - slight temple recession, kicked off by a 6-week 1ad/4ad cycle in 2004 and several other cycles after that that included a strong androgen.

you will probably first and foremost notice on a test+5AR inhibitor cycle that libido isnt quite as insane as with unreduced test cycles. it's still good to go, for me, but not like regular test. i have not personally noticed a decrease in strength gains, but i suspect one is possible. ditto for vascularity, but the low dose EQ helps that a lot (A LOT!!!)...on the plus side, there's virtually NO aggression increase and alot less acne.

if you have more specific questions about MPB-friendly cycles, lemme know.

PS, keep the anavar dose low...more than 50 or 60mg a day and i noticed scalp itchiness, which for me means imminent hairloss.

i know many people that take durasteride on and off cycle......the hair donīt stopp falling simply because any androgen activates androgen receptors on the scalp. simple. Testosterone is highly androgenic on itīs on and when you have 500mg flowing arround per week durasteride wonīt do shit for hair if you got severe MPB like colin has.............. he has severe MPB as he stated many types and for this cases as i have seen personally durasteride donīt help at all..
