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Here is my 2nd bulk last was test/decs/ next is
Week 1-6:
30mgs Paperbol
Week 1-10:
600mgs Geneza CYP
Week 1-14:
400mgs Geneza EQ
clomid therapyand end of cycle....Nolva...Arimidex on hand
So what should expect bros..? thanx..

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might be a little high dose, dependant on your size and lifting experience.

why are you running the EQ another month after the cyp?

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my stats are 19 5'10 230 lifting for 6 and a half years...i'm runnin the eq longer because i have found that it takes a long time for me to react to it...i don't see anything until week 4 or 5...and in my circle of friends we have found that if you run the eq at least 2 weeks more then the test that it helps to solidify the gains and it keeps yeilding results....

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As opposed to dragging the cycle out for 14 weeks, I'd recommend that you up the dosage on the eq for the first couple weeks. Try doin 800mg eq for the first couple weeks, then down to 400mg/week from week 3 on out. I'd consider upping the dosage on that dbol as well. Nothing much.. maybe 35-40mg/day.(that's just me being picky... but whatever. It looks good.)

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Sounds like an awesome cycle that you should have a lot of fun with. The eq a month after is great idea. You may even want to start eq in week 3-4 up to 500mg and stay on a week or two longer than originally planned. You should harden your new mass up quite a bit by doing so. Alot of dudes including myself will blast a bunch of deca for about 4 weeks after a mass cycle to shape it up a bit. Eq should produce a similar result as well as pack on a few pounds. I just have one question. Why do you use Geneza products? I have had nothing but staggering results and soreness from these over priced products, especially the eq. Keep us posted, have fun, get huge.

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IMHO, I wouldn't run the cycle for 14 weeks. The dosage are a little high for my taste too, but that's your call. I agree with Tadger on upping the dosage a bit at the beginning, rather than dragging it out....... BUT, I don't know if I'd go up to 800mg/wk if you are already doing 600mg/wk cyp and 210mgs/dbol...... that's already 810mgs. You add 800mg EQ and that is over 1.6 gram or 1600 mg's you are trying to force your body to process.....
