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Official Dragon Pharma Website

Dragon pharma winstrol 50 mg tabs

I took the dbol as a kick start to my last cycle that was 500 mg test e a week, 50 mg dbol a week for four weeks, and 50 mg winstrol a week for 4 weeks at the end of the cycle. Total length was 14 weeks. I could tell pretty quickly that the dbol was working because after a few days I was up four pounds. I continued to gain weight until about the second week, at which point I had gained probably 12 lbs (I am sure a lot of it was water but I felt great). My mood was stellar between the dbol and the test as well as the compliments i was getting for looking bigger. My bench went up from about 275 for 5 reps to about 315 for reps at this point which I was pleased with. Once I started the winstrol I was hoping to gain some vascularity back and look a little more lean / dense which it certainly did. I had a little bit of dryness in my joints but that is what I would expect with any good winstrol, plus I am susceptible to that based on previous cycles doing the same. My piss was getting pretty dark on the winstrol which worried me a little but I think it is just a pretty toxic oral so I am glad I didn't run it more than four weeks. All in all I was very pleased with Dragon Pharma.

Here is a list of websites where you can order legit Dragon Pharma products:

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I used Dragon Pharma Sustanon 270 and Dragon Pharma Trenbolone 200. 1cc each 2x a week. A buddy of mine recommend Dragon products and I"m glad he did. I've had nothing but good gear from them. I was sitting at a fat 300. I had no problems with injections, and diet and workout were on point since I was so hyped for my first cycle.

Bench went up 100lbs in 3 months. (alot of that had to do with form corrections) Fat started to come off. My mood improved, libido was waaayyy up....everything was better. Life was better. Really think this stuff come from the fountain of youth.

I was in a funk for about 5 years prior due to screwing up my natural test by taking booster after booster for years..(no AAS) I think just having test in my system changed and is still changing everything for the much better! Finish up that cycle and ran PCT for a couple months and cycled off until March 1.

I kept my strength and the fat continued to drop. Mood and lifestyle improvements maintained even off cycle.

Second cycle was the same with some DP Dianabol added in. Bench stayed the same, but squat and dead both went up 100. (partially due to form). Weight down from 300 to 250 with a much higher muscle mass percentage. Prior to my first cycle, sitting around 300 with high fat, I couldn't climb a flight of stairs without running out of air. It was difficult to get out of a chair. I wasn't in the mood to ever take care of my wife's needs (and she is very hot).

I hated myself, everybody, and everything. Life just sucked! AAS changed all that for is perfect now. Did my first Powerlifting Meet in May and gearing up for my second in July. I don't know why AAS are illigel, but they shouldn't be. Forget anti-depressants, drugs, and alcohol...AAS saved my life. I digress....

All quality gear. I've done 2 12 week cycle during this year, and ramping up for my third. More info listed in comments above.

This is my first review. Apologies if I didn't follow all the rules.
