Eminent Member
Joined: Jul 28, 2021
Last seen: May 24, 2022
Topics: 1 / Replies: 47

I ordered from Etalaze for my first cycle ever. I was very skeptical about ordering gear online, but thanks to the good people of AZSteroids, I built ...

2 years ago
RE: Resetting my body to be lean

I echo Sword's recommendation of recomp supps. There are lots of simple things you can do, too, to utilize nutrients to the best of your body's abilit...

2 years ago
RE: SesaLean / SuperCarb brownies

Anyone have a guesstimate on the macro breakdown of these?

2 years ago
RE: SesaLean / SuperCarb brownies

Posted by: @Jeff I made these the other day. I used 1/4 cup white flour and 1/4 cup ground oats, 2 whole eggs instead of 4 whites, and 1/2 cup splen...

2 years ago
RE: SesaLean / SuperCarb brownies

Posted by: @Stay Puft Yea, this would be my strategy, but I love the sweets. I'd also replace the flour with whole wheat flour / I was going to ...

2 years ago
RE: SesaLean / SuperCarb brownies

Errr... wouldn't you want to use 1/2c of Splenda with 1c of Supercarb? Seeing as how Supercarb is half as sweet as regular sugar and all...

2 years ago
RE: Egg-Factor

So that's 4x12 = 48g of total fat. Not so bad, assuming you stick to lean meats and watch your fat intake for the rest of the day. Also consider that ...

3 years ago
RE: Egg-Factor

Posted by: @RepubCarrier I hope it goes well. Taste of the powder was something I hadn't thought of, though... I hope it tastes better mixed. To...

3 years ago
RE: Egg-Factor

I've got the whole egg powder now, which I'm using mixed with egg white powder for my protein shakes. Extremely nasty tasting, by the way - I will def...

3 years ago
RE: Egg-Factor

i just ordered some powdered eggs. I'll be using this with either egg white powder or whey in my shakes (2 shakes a day). I'm doing this mainly becaus...

3 years ago
RE: Egg-Factor

Bump. Curious as to how this has turned out.

3 years ago
RE: Egg-Factor

Posted by: @RepubCarrier Several places offer whole egg powder or egg yolk powder - wonder if that would work mixed as a shake? Not that I don't li...

3 years ago
RE: Egg-Factor

Several places offer whole egg powder or egg yolk powder - wonder if that would work mixed as a shake? Not that I don't like eggs, I love them... just...

3 years ago
RE: Egg-Factor

Several places offer whole egg powder or egg yolk powder - wonder if that would work mixed as a shake? Not that I don't like eggs, I love them... just...

3 years ago
RE: The long road to wherever

Posted by: @meathead1987 Anyway, weighed in today at [a slightly tubby] 188.4lbs. And have 3 days of bulking left. Looks like my ketoifen may get ...

3 years ago
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