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how to get big traps

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what is the best way to get big traps

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Shrugs;Barbell or Dumbell.

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Deadlifts and other heavy power movements work well...

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I don't know about deads T-Spine....hmmm. I never really get a pump in my traps from doing deads. But thats just me.
I have HUGE traps and the only thing I really do for them is shrugs....I've done 6 plates and a 25 on each side for 6 good reps....thats my highest.
I do 5 sets of heavy ass shrugs(good form):
225lbs warmup for 20 reps
405lbs for 10
5 plates for 10
5 plates and a 25 for 10
6 plates for 8 reps
6 plates and a 25 for 6 reps
That's a normal shrug routine for me. BUT, I think I'm genetically gifted in that category. My buddy always uses dumbbell shrugs and his are pretty weak. I don't know if there's a direct coorelation to the weight lifted and trap development, but heavy weights always did it for me. I stick to barbell shrugs completely....although upright rows will also give me a little pump in the traps....but the upright rows are just part of my shoulder routine anyways. One more thing, please do not use the behind your back BULLSHIT shrugs with the barbell. Jesus Christ don't really have "rear traps". People are just looking to hurt themselves doing that. I think thats a stupid variation and will only lead to an injury somewhere down the road. Thats a lot of stress on the back that isn't needed.
My traps need the serious poundage and thats what blows them up for mom says they look disgusting...and look like softballs. Simple fact: Big traps make your back look much larger and complete so yeah they are important.


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Originally posted by Titaniumspine
Deadlifts and other heavy power movements work well...


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No offense but I've never read about anyone incorporating deads into a trap routine. I've read many, many, many magazines and never came across that. I'm sure any heavy movement will shape the body....say one that isn't specifically targeted such as getting a pump in your bi's on back day. But you target your bi's...why wouldn't you target your traps??? I'm stickin' to my gut on this one...I think you guys have it backwards. It doesn't make any sense to me. If you want big traps I think telling this bro to do deadlifts or other powerlifting movements is not what he's looking for. You can do deads on back day.....or stiff legged deads on leg day....but I don't think they're going to make or break you on developing large traps. I developed mine exactly the way I stated above....and not at all by heavy powerlifting movements....I'm not a powerlifter and don't use powerlifting movements besides deads....I'm a bodybuilder and I isolate my traps. You don't build symetrically shaped bodies through powerlifing least not based solely on them.
I'm not flamin' anyone I just don't agree completely.


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IMO deadlifts work the lower portion of your traps more than a shrug would... also I prefer dumbell shrugs to barbell shrugs as a greater range of motion can be achieved.

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i would have to agree with jacked to a certain extent. i prefer dumbell shrugs over barbell but that is just preference. either way isolate and annialate. that is a motto to live by when trying to build a lagging bodypart. i dont think jacked can do shrugs with 6 plates and not know what he's talking about. listen to him they are as big as softballs.. dumbells work real good also. i am not a big fan of doing traps that much because i don't need to but i can grab the 125's and do a set of 15-20 anytime of day. so go heavy. ....

do not do behind the back shrugs. bad for everything...rotators.spine.. hDragon Pharmas. everything. you do work your traps 2 and three in rowing movements but not barbell or deadlift. those barely hit them at all. traps two and three are basically you upper/middle back. not what most people call traps. the balls of whadded up muscle below someones ears (or even with them LOL) is what most people speak of., barbell and dumbell shrugs.. heavy. and maybe some upright rows if you feel the need but you shouldn't.

reps' out..

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Traps are a very weak area for me but getting better. I have been finishing up my my shoulder and back days with uprights and shrugs. By adding the extra day for these 2 exercises I am noticing some change in my traps. I do back on Maondays and when I am done with my normal back workout I do 2 sets of shrugs and 2 sets upright rows. Then Thursday or Friday when I do shoulders I hit the shrugs and up rights very hard. If you try this just make sure there is some rest time between shoulder and back days.

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I also like to perform high reps (12-15) for traps... IMO the trapezius muscle is a higher endurance muscle... if you think about, you are working your traps with back, shoulders, to a milder degree with chest and of course with your traps work out...

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"Isolate and Annialate." Nice!!! I'm gonna start using that line!!! Thick Nick would get a Kick out of that one.


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thanks for all your help and i will keep working at my trapz intill i am happy with them

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i don't know jacked. nick is a big boy but i dont' want to change my definition of thick. (you or me offseason). that is just how i like to look at it. or maybe just fat. he he


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Originally posted by jackedupcrazy
No offense but I've never read about anyone incorporating deads into a trap routine. I've read many, many, many magazines and never came across that. I'm sure any heavy movement will shape the body....say one that isn't specifically targeted such as getting a pump in your bi's on back day. But you target your bi's...why wouldn't you target your traps??? I'm stickin' to my gut on this one...I think you guys have it backwards. It doesn't make any sense to me. If you want big traps I think telling this bro to do deadlifts or other powerlifting movements is not what he's looking for. You can do deads on back day.....or stiff legged deads on leg day....but I don't think they're going to make or break you on developing large traps. I developed mine exactly the way I stated above....and not at all by heavy powerlifting movements....I'm not a powerlifter and don't use powerlifting movements besides deads....I'm a bodybuilder and I isolate my traps. You don't build symetrically shaped bodies through powerlifing least not based solely on them.
I'm not flamin' anyone I just don't agree completely.


I believe he asked for size; not shape. "I think you guys have it backwards." I don't even know how to reply to that statement. We have all given this bro solid advice.

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All I'm saying is that there is no way in hell that you're going to have big traps by using cleans or deads and not ain't gonna way. Its the same as saying you use you lats on bench presses so you must be making them larger because you have a 500lb bench press. Which is true...the lats are used in a bench press, but tell me you get a "good" pump in your back from hitting chest.....doubt that. That is the same exact principle and you don't see pros or anyone for that matter relying on bench for big lats. Big lats will help with developing a big bench, but a big bench won't do much of anything for your lats.
You said he wanted size so he should use power movements????
If you're not even feeling a pump in your traps how are you going to develop size??? If I'm wrong then show me an article in Flex or Muscle and Fitness where they suggest using powermovements for developing large traps. You won't find one.

Isolation IMO is the only way to bring them up. My traps are freaky for someone my age and I never clean...and only hit deads once a week. So its the deads that gave me my development and not the 600lbs I shrug??? hmmm... You guys can say what you want but power movements are not going to do it alone....they MAY complement doing shrugs at best.


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