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Pulled tendon in heel

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I hurt my heal in that I hyper extended my foot and now my heel hurts like hell. Any comments? What can I do to help it get better so I can continue to make my already massive calves more massive. I've been clamping down on my belt with my teeth to take the pain so I can continue to do my calves. The way I hyper'd it was not at the gym, I slipped on a curb.

🙁 :cry

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REST REST REST, ICE REST ICE REST..... You grow when you rest... you risk more down time and more injury by not resting it.... REST GIVE IT A BREAK!

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If it hurts when you get up in the morning or when you sit down for like a half and hour and then you get up and it hurts like hell, then it's plantar fasciaitis. Basically, if you have that (I have had it in both feet at the same time) then it takes about 6-9 months to go away. Surgery isn't a guarantee. Just keep stretching them and enjoy the pain. I got it by just walking on the beach cause it is uneven.

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hey trapzila thanks...yeah it hurts after sitting a while then getting up to walk around but only the right foot. So if I stretch aften this mya help it. Cool I will work towards and continue to take my leather belt and biting down on it when I do calves. I don't want to ease up on my calves cause they are awesome. Bet I could make you jealous if you were to see them. I have to get pics of them and submit. The veins look like thick tree branches all over and a blind man would think it was a road map. Sexually, it drives me nuts when some one massages my calves. They are that sensitive. So grin and bear it you say but do the stretches. You got it man and I will add ice, masage and rest. Will keep you up to date.

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I had that same problem once, I got mine by over stretching the feet (bouncing around on the balls of your feet does that), the doc recommended icing it for 10 minutes, and right after that soak it in warm water for 15min, it took 4 weeks for the pain to go away...

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One of the others had suggested that and I have been doing it. Works well. Much of the trouble is eased but looks like this is the fix. Ice, warm soak, ice, warm soak, etc. Thanks all.
