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Critique my Routine

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I will be using this routine for a total of 3 months - to finish in Sept 05
I will then change the split and change some of the exercises - Main change will be to add Squats - also, change back exercises to dumbell rows and T bar rows - split change will be back/bi's, chest/tri's, legs/shoulders

I am 6'2" - 208lbs - began working out in Jan 05, after not working out much for about a year - results have been good so far - I've been eating a lot and getting some good muscle and strength

3 day split


Day 1 - Legs (and sometimes shoulders - if not, shoulders on Day 3)

Day 2 - Chest and back

Day 3 - Arms (and shoulders if not worked on leg day)

Currently working Day 1 on MON, Day 2 on WED and Day 3 on FRI

Sets - 4 x 8-10 reps
Chest - Flat press - barbell

Sets - 3x 8-10 reps
Chest - Incline press - dumbells on 45 degree bench

Sets - 4 x 8-10 reps
Back - lateral row - machine

Sets - 4 x 8-10 reps
Back - Lat Pulldown - machine

Sets - 5 x 8-15 reps - 15 for warm up, a couple of 10's, a couple of 8's
Legs - Leg press

Sets - 3 x 8-10 reps
Legs - Thigh extensions - machine (slow reps)

Sets - 2 x 8-10 reps
Legs - Calf machine

Sets - 2 8-10 reps
Legs - Standing Calf Machine

Sets - 4 x 8-10 reps
Shoulders - Press - dumbells

Sets - 3 x 8-10 reps
Shoulders - front raise - dumbells (light weight, perfect form)

Sets - 2 x 8-10 reps
Arms - Biceps - Hammer curls - dumbells

Sets - 3 x 8-10 reps
Arms - Biceps - Dumbell curls
Sets - 3 x 8-10 reps
Arms - Biceps - Barbell curl - (slow, perfect form)

Sets - 3 x 10-12 reps
Arms - Triceps - Dumbell Kickbacks (perfect form)

Sets - 4 x 8-10 reps
Arms - Triceps - Rope pushdown

Cardio - treadmill after each workout - 20 minutes at a fast walk
Abs - every other day

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Are you working your hamstrings or traps out?

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Not working hamstrings yet - they seem really tight after leg presses
I should be adding deadlifts for my next routine as well

Traps - I seem to forget them a lot - I do shrugs only, about once a week - 2 sets only

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I don't like it, look for some routines using the search. Find what works for you.

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I don't like it, look for some routines using the search. Find what works for you.

Arrggghhh - can you give me a couple of reasons? You don't have to give too much detail, but I need some...

I don't want to make any drastic changes, because I feel that I need to work a static routine for a period of time - but if something 'jumps' out at you ie. overtraining bi's, too little sets, wrong rest days etc. - that would be appreciated

I think my next routine will be more serious with the addition of more basics (squats and deadlifts) and with a better split of bodyparts

Thanks in advance

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What jumps out at me is that you say legs and shoulders SOMETIMES. You should have it be the same every week. Commit to your schedule bro. Im also not a big fan of working chest and back together.

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LEGS - always on Day 1
what I meant was sometimes I do shoulders on Day 1 - if not, I do them on Day 3

Sorry for the confusion

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oh, and dont forget your hamstrings. Dont you want to have a nice balanced physique? Try to hit every bodypart at least once a week with equal intensity.

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BF% - probably 19 or 20 - I was at 24% about 2 months ago, but have lost off of my stomach and sides - weight is almost the same, but more muscle

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I don't know about chest and back together. I know people who do this and I've tried it before for a few weeks. For a beginner I don't think it is so good though. Back, Chest, and legs are the muscles your going to want to put the most effort into improving because they are the largest. I found that even though I got a really good pump from working my chest and back out, I couldn't put the energy I wanted into some exercises because I just didn't have it. Arms shouldn't be THAT important to you, if you are doing the right exercises with the bigger muscles they will grow. I would do Chest-biceps back-triceps legs-shoulders if you want a three day split.

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I started working out in high school
Was in tae kwon do for 3 yrs - from 20-23 - best shape of my life
Had a bad car accident and had a bulging disk - went up to 250 (from 185)
Started working out after about 6 months - went down to 230 for a long time
Was able to push some serious weight, due to my body weight

Worked out off and on for the last 9 yrs - nothing serious enough
Started this past January and am being serious with the schedule and my diet
