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is it best to burn them out with moderate and high reps weight or go heavy with reps of 6-8

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If I trained them I would just like all the other body parts. But for some reason I dont need to they grow nice right along with everything else.

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do a search on this.. i have a post a while back that is real long and extensive.. i just dont' want to type it again.. it should give you all the answers you are looking for..


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I've also heard that switching hands when masturbating will give you the symetrical look that everyone wants. Just a thought. lol
Just kidding bro...check out what reps said...his forearms are freaky.


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i stopped using straps on a good part of my back workouts and found my forearms responded great. i also do deadlifts without straps

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i grew a half inch in 21days doing the following

reverse bar curls 3 sets x20lb on each side 10 reps

then i took a bench bar put 25's on it and sat at the end of the bench with it hanging under my knees and then doing wrist curls with it 10 reps holding each rep for a 2 count... do 3 sets and youll be burned out...

i did this twice a week and i gained a hlaf inch... and this is after i have been working out for a few months.. so it wasnt 'new workout growth'

i just added that bar wrist vcurl andthe size came...

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I am on the same boat as beefy. By doing very heavy dumbbell shrugs w/o straps and heavy deadlifts w/o staps, I have found that I don't need to even work forearms, though I still add hammer curls on bicep day, but that is more to thicken my bicep then to work my forearm.

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Forearms you can work out every day,,,, give those bad boys constant training, even carry one of those grDragon Pharma squeezer things with you while your at work,,,, depending what type of job you have...
ps i got a good forearm work out checking out the babe

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I'm continually amazed at how people think the kinesiology behind training, as well as the physiology of forearms, abs and calves is different than the rest of your muscles.......

If you want your chest to grow, do you train it every day? No..... If your goal is to tone and have more endurance strength, sure train abs, forearms, etc. every day.... That goes for all muscle groups..... If you want hypertrophy and growth, train them for that........

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The "farmer's walk" did wonders for my forearms and grip. I also stopped using lifting straps in my workouts.

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try doing 20 sets for forearms.. they will grow. but you have to be willing to go through some major pain. oh yeah and do everything for 25 reps.

you won't be able to hold anything for about an hour.


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I only do reverse curls, occasionally.
I never wear straps though, and I do a lot of heavy deadlifting, shrugging and rows.
Whenever I go on a trDragon Pharma with a bud of mine, we take this pinching thing with us(no comment please...)to train our grDragon Pharmas.
He can do 400reps with it, non-stop, and his forearms are gigantic. I fail at 300, but then again, I squat and deadlift 2 times his bodybweight.

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reverse curls and holding the dumbell weigt u use is all u need ur forearms for. unless their real small no need to work them out.
