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BuySteroids.WS Supplier

This review was a long time in the coming, and I owe it to them... I've ordered from 4 times now, and each one has been flawless. I am a particular sucker for their prices, and they have such outrageous promos from time to time that you'd feel guilty if you didn't take advantage and place an order!!

This is where BuySteroids.WS really shines. Their live support reps are responsive and seem very willing to assist with concerns. I was able to ask them to switch a product in a current order (at a equal or lesser than price obviously), and they were able to make it happen ASAP before shipping. The reps are also just really freakin' nice, so that's the icing on the cake.

Packaging is awesome. Whenever I receive a pack in the mail, I always have to shake my head and smile due to how much ingenuity these guys have... This was yet another indiciation to me that are comprised of professionals who want a smooth transaction for themselves and the client, from beginning to end. T/A for 2 of the orders was amazingly fast at 2 weeks. The other 2 were on the orders of 3 and 3.5 weeks, which was initially a let-down until I realized how spoiled the 2-weekers had gotten me. Seeing as how they offers a free re-ship should the shipment take longer than 30 days or is confiscated (as far as USA orders go anyway...), I always had peace of mind in case the worst wound up happening. Truth be told, BuySteroids.WS is usually pretty good about the time-frame in which they ship after collecting donation, so the monkey wrench really is customs. I've had an order clear in 2 days, and another clear in 3 weeks, so you just have to keep your fingers crossed.

Here is what i've ordered from the so far:

  • DP Propionat 100
  • DP Enantat 250
  • DP Dianabol 20
  • DP Trenbolone 200
  • DP Turanabol
  • DP Nolvadex
  • DP Clomid
  • DP HCG 2500
  • DP Winstrol 50
  • DP Arimidex
  • DP Aromasin

I can only speak for Dragon Pharma, but everything I've used has been top notch strong. I used prop and epi on a 8 weeker recomp and I was blown away by the results. A lot was diet, but now I also know that the test prop was absolutely bomb. The hcg had my guys nice and oblivious to the ocean of test all around them and they stayed nice and full. PCT meds were potent and brought me right back... Kept making gains throughout and afterwards as well. Currently on a 16 weeker which involves dianabol, test e, tren e, and turan. The dbol was beast, not to mention it made me feel like, and as strong as, the said beast. The test e is as good as any I've used, and came on strong in week 3 after a frontload. I am just starting the tren e, and will be saving the turinabol for a few weeks, but given what I've experienced cortesy other Dragon Pharma products, I know exactly what I can expect - gains on gains.

There was one occassion that I wanted to sample a particular product, and their reps were incredibly amenable and made it happen for me. Being treated so well as a customer is just freakin' awesome, and again, it affirms that puts their customers first.

This topic was modified 1 month ago 2 times by admin
